Audio-visual / Microform Materials

The Audio-visual corner is located in the first floor of Central Library. You may choose to use audio-visual materials such as videos, CDs, DVDs, movie films and microform materials.

1. Service hours

  • During the semester 9:00~18:00  (17:00 for microform materials)
  • During vacation 9:00~17:00

   * No service on weekdays and national holidays.

2. How to use 

Audio-visual materials (Videos, CDs, DVDs)

  • Choose one material only.
  • Bring it to the circulation counter. For some DVDs are kept in the counter, please ask if you would like to use.
  • Get remote control and headphones. Each remote control is attached the number label. Bring material to the same number booth with the remote control label. Return material, remote control and headphones to the circulation counter. Please rewind the videos tapes after you use.
  • There are both private booth and booth for two to use materials.
    ※ Please disinfect headphones by yourself. (Updated 2023.3.31)

Microform materials (Microfilms, Microfiche)

  • Copy the application form of the material you need from OPAC research screen. Fill in the form and bring it to the circulation counter.
  • After you receive material, set it to the microreader. Please ask how to operate the machine.
  • Per-copy price is 30 yens for both A4 and A3 sizes. You need to prepare 10 yen coins for the service.


3. Notes

  • You cannot use the booth for your own materials. In case private material need for class, written application form should be submitted by professor.
  • Do not take audio visual materials out of library.