For Junior/ Senior high students and faculty members of Sophia school cooperation

Students and faculty members of Sophia school corporation can use Sophia University Libraries; Central, Mejiro Seibo Campus, and Junior college division.

1. Eligible person

  • Students and faculty members of Eiko Gakuen junior and senior high school
  • Students and faculty members of Rokko junior and senior high school
  • Students and faculty members of Hiroshima Gakuin junior and senior high school
  • Students and faculty members of Sophia-Fukuoka junior and senior high school

2. How to use

Please show your student/ staff/ faculty ID card at the entrance of the library for one day use. You can browse and copy material (within Copyright law). If students would like to use the library on Sunday or holiday, please inform your student’ ID number and name by Email or FAX before you use.
FAX: 03-3238-3139

You cannot use the library from 2 week before the start of University regular examination (January and July) until its end.

If you would like to use libraries continuously, please ask your school library to get library user card. Faculty members may borrow up to 20 books for 30 days, and students may borrow up to 10 books for 14 days. Please ask your school library for further information.

You can request for book delivery stacked in Sophia University Libraries. Please apply your school library for delivery service. The service is not provided during University holidays (summer vacation, end of the year and New year holidays, spring vacation).

3. Contact information

Reference section, Sophia University library E-mail :