
NEW “America’s Historical Imprints, Early American Imprints, Series I: Evans, 1639-1800” is now available.

This database contains virtually every books,Bible,sermons,poetry,novels,speeches,textbooks,cooking recipes,maps,advertisements,catalogs,contracts,laws,opera,travel books published in America over a 160-year period.
In addition to English,it also includes material in German,French, and Algonquin,the language of the Native Americans.

【How to access】
OPAC(Search database)>(Purpose)Overseas articles

*To use the database,you need to log in to "My OPAC".

*Need VPN access when use off campus.

インフォメーション Request loan of materials & copy of materials

We will suspend ILL service during the following periods due to the winter vacation.

1. Request loan of materials: December 8th - January 4th
2. Request copy of materials: December 24th- January 4th.
➢Request received after 12:00p.m. on December 21th will be proceeded after January 5th.