
Supplements to Vetus Testamentum

データ種別 図書
出版情報 Leiden : E.J. Brill
本文言語 und


1 v. 1 Congress Volume : Copenhagen 1953 Leiden : E. J. Brill , 1953
2 v. 2 EL in the Ugaritic texts / by Marvin H. Pope Leiden : E.J. Brill , 1955
3 v. 3 Wisdom in Israel and in the ancient Near East : presented to Professor Harold Henry Rowley M.A., D.D., Theol. D., F.B.A. / by the Society for Old Testament Study in association with the Editorial Board of Vetus Testamentum in celebration of his sixty-fifth birthday, 24 March 1955 ; edited by M. Noth & D. Winton Thomas Leiden : Brill , 1955
4 v. 4 Volume du congres : Strasbourg, 1956 Leiden : E.J. Brill , 1957
5 v. 5 The legacy of Canaan : the Ras Shamra texts and their relevance to the Old Testament / by John Gray Leiden : E.J. Brill , 1957
6 v. 6 L'eau, sa vie, et sa signification dans l'ancien testament / par Philippe Reymond Leiden : E. J. Brill , 1958
7 v. 7 Congress volume : Oxford, 1959 Leiden : E.J. Brill , 1960
8 v. 8 Das Problem der altorientalischen Königsideologie im Alten Testament : unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Geschichte der Psalmenexegese, dargestellt und kritisch gewürdigt / von Karl-Heinz Bernhardt Leiden : Brill , 1961
9 v. 9 Congress volume : Bonn, 1962 Leiden : E.J. Brill , 1963
10 v. 10 Les devanciers d'Aquila : première publication intégrale du texte des fragments du Dodécaprophéton trouvés dans le désert de Juda : précedée d'une étude sur les traductions et recensions grecques de la Bible réalisées au premier siècle de notre ère sous l'influence du rabbinat palestinien / par Dominique Barthélemy Leiden : E.J. Brill , 1963
11 v. 11 Israel unter den V̈olkern : die Stellung der Klassischen Propheten des 8. Jahrhunderts v. chr. zur Aussenpolitik der Könige von Israel und Juda Leiden : E.J. Brill , 1964
12 v. 12 An index to aquila : Greek-Hebrew, Hebrew-Greek, Latin-Hebrew, with the Syriac and Armenian evidence / by the late Joseph Reider ; completed and revised by Nigel Turner Leiden : E. J. Brill , 1966
13 v. 13 Numerical sayings in the Old Testament : a form-critical study / by W.M.W. Roth Leiden : E.J. Brill , 1965
14 v. 14 Studies on the second part of the Book of Isaiah Leiden : E.J. Brill , 1967
15 v. 15 Volume du Congrès : Genève, 1965 Leiden : E.J. Brill , 1966
16 v. 16 Hebräische Wortforschung : Festschrift zum 80, Geburtstag von Walter Baumgartner Leiden : E.J. Brill , 1967
17 v. 17 Congress volume : Rome, 1968 Leiden : E.J. Brill , 1969
18 v. 18 Studies in the Book of the Covenant in the light of cuneiform and biblical law / by Shalom M. Paul Leiden : E. J. Brill , 1970
19 v. 19 Moses and the law in a century of criticism since Graf / by R. J. Thompson Leiden : Brill , 1970
20 v. 20 A study of the Biblical story of Joseph (Genesis 37-50) / by Donald B. Redford Leiden : E.J. Brill , 1970
21 v. 21 Joel and the temple cult of jerusalem / by G.W.Ahlström Leiden : E. J. Brill , 1971
22 v. 22 Congress volume : Uppsala, 1971 Leiden : E.J. Brill , 1972
23 v. 23 Studies in the religion of ancient Israel Leiden : Brill , 1972
24 v. 24 I am God your saviour : a form-critical study of the main genres in Is. XL-LV / by Antoon Schoors Leiden : Brill , 1973
25 v. 26 Studies on prophecy : a collection of twelve papers Leiden : Brill , 1974
26 v. 28 Congress volume : Edinburgh, 1974 Leiden : E.J. Brill , 1975
27 v. 30 Studies in the historical books of the Old Testament / ed. by J.A. Emerton Leiden : E.J. Brill , 1979
28 v. 31 Der Erste und der letzte : eine Untersuchung von Jes 40-48 / von Rosario Pius Merendino Leiden : E.J. Brill , 1981
29 v. 32 Congress volume : Vienna, 1980 / edited by J.A. Emerton Leiden : E.J. Brill , 1981
30 v. 33 L'herméneutique analogique du judaïsme antique d'après les témoins textuels d'isaïe / par Jean Koenig Leiden ; New York : E.J. Brill , 1982
31 v. 34 The religious polemics of Amos : studies in the preaching of Am 2, 7B-8; 4,1-13; 5,1-27; 6, 4-7; 8, 14 / by Hans M. Barstad Leiden : E.J. Brill , 1984
32 v. 35 Antithetic structure in biblical Hebrew poetry / by Jože Krašovec Leiden : E.J. Brill , 1984
33 v. 36 Congress volume : Salamanca, 1983 / edited by J.A. Emerton Leiden : E.J. Brill , 1985
34 v. 38 Incense in ancient Israel / by Kjeld Nielsen Leiden : E.J. Brill , 1986
35 v. 40 Congress volume : Jerusalem, 1986 / edited by J.A. Emerton Leiden ; New York : E.J. Brill , 1988
36 v. 47 Staat und Gesellschaft im vorexilischen Juda : vom 8. Jahrhundert bis zum Exil / von Rainer Kessler : cloth. - Leiden ; New York : E.J. Brill , 1992
37 v. 86 The Marzēah in the prophetic literature : references and allusions in light of the extra-biblical evidence / by John L. McLaughlin Leiden : Brill , 2001
38 v. 88 The king and the cemeteries : toward a new understanding of Josiah's reform / by W. Boyd Barrick Leiden ; Boston : Brill , 2002
39 v. 89 The murmuring stories of the priestly school : a retrieval of ancient sacerdotal lore / by David Frankel Leiden : Brill , 2002
40 v. 90 Living under the sun : examination of proverbs and qoheleth / by Tomáš Frydrych Leiden : Brill , 2002
41 v. 91 The book of Haggai : prophecy and society in early Persian Yehud / by John Kessler Leiden ; Boston : Brill , 2002
42 v. 93 . Formation interpretation of Old Testament literature ; 3 The book of Leviticus : composition and reception / edited by Rolf Rendtorff and Robert A. Kugler ; with the assistance of Sarah Smith Bartel Leiden : Brill , c2003
43 v. 98 The psalms of the Tamid service : a liturgical text from the Second Temple / by Peter L. Trudinger Leiden : Brill , 2004
44 v. 110 Sôfer mahîr : essays in honour of Adrian Schenker offered by editors of Biblia Hebraica quinta / edited by Yohanan A.P. Goldman, Arie van der Kooij and Richard D. Weis : hardcover. - Leiden : Brill , 2006
45 v. 115 The jubilee from Leviticus to Qumran : a history of interpretation / by John Sietze Bergsma : hardcover. - Leiden ; Boston : Brill , 2007
46 v. 118 Animal imagery in the book of Proverbs / by Tova L. Forti : hardcover. - Leiden : Brill , 2008
47 v. 119 L'énigme du bonheur : étude sur le sujet du bien dans le livre de Qohélet / par Bertrand Pinçon : hardcover. - Leiden ; Boston : Brill , 2008
48 v. 121 The 'uncertainty of a hearing' : a study of the sudden change of mood in the Psalms of lament / by Federico G. Villanueva : hardcover. - Leiden ; Boston : Brill , 2008
49 v. 123 La représentation du divin dans les récits du Pentateuque : médiations syntaxiques et narratives / par Françoise Mirguet Leiden ; Boston : Brill , 2009
50 v. 128 The origin of the Samaritans / by Magnar Kartveit : hardcover. - Leiden ; Boston : Brill , 2009
51 v. 132 Archaeology of the books of Samuel : the entangling of the textual and literary history / edited by Philippe Hugo and Adrian Schenker : hbk. - Leiden : Brill , 2010
52 v. 135 Genesis, Isaiah, and Psalms : a festschrift to honour professor John Emerton for his eightieth birthday / edited by Katharine J. Dell, Graham Davies, Yee Von Koh : hardback. - Leiden : Brill , 2010
53 v. 136 The Septuagint's translation of the Hebrew verbal system in Chronicles / by Roger Good : hbk. - Leiden : Brill , 2010
54 v. 140 The Dead Sea scrolls in context : integrating the Dead Sea scrolls in the study of ancient texts, languages, and cultures / edited by Armin Lange, Emanuel Tov, and Matthias Weigold, in association with Bennie H. Reynolds III : set,v. 1,v. 2. - Leiden : Brill , 2011
55 v. 141 Enduring exile : the metaphorization of exile in the Hebrew Bible / by Martien A. Halvorson-Taylor hardback. - Leiden ; Boston : Brill , 2011
56 v. 142 Identities in transition : the pursuit of Isa. 52:13-53:12 / by Kristin Joachimsen hardback. - Leiden : Brill , 2011
57 v. 143 Representing the past : a literary analysis of narrative historiography in the Book of Samuel / by Rachelle Gilmour hardback. - Leiden ; Boston : Brill , 2011
58 v. 144 Song of songs : a close reading / by Gianni Barbiero ; translated by Michael Tait Leiden : Brill , 2011
59 v. 145 Incubation as a type-scene in the ʾAqhatu, Kirta, and Hannah stories : a form-critical and narratological study of KTU 1.14 I-1.15 III, 1.17 I-II, and 1 Samuel 1:1-2:11 / by Koowon Kim hardback. - Leiden ; Boston : Brill , 2011
60 v. 146 Jacob's wealth : an examination into the nature and role of material possessions in the Jacob-cycle (Gen 25:19-35:29) / by Paul D. Vrolijk Leiden ; Boston : Brill , 2011
61 v. 147 A sign and a wonder : the redactional formation of Isaiah 18-20 / by Paul M. Cook hardback. - Leiden ; Boston : Brill , 2011
62 v. 150 Two books of Ezekiel : papyrus 967 and the masoretic text as variant literary editions / by Ingrid E. Lilly : hardback. - Leiden : Brill , 2012
63 v. 151 Gottes Herrlichkeit : Bedeutung und Verwendung des begriffs kābôd im Alten Testament / by Thomas Wagner : hardback. - Leiden : Brill , 2012
64 v. 152 The book of Genesis : composition, reception, and interpretation / edited by Craig A. Evans, Joel N. Lohr, David L. Petersen : hardback. - Leiden : Brill , 2012
65 v. 155 Hezekiah in history and tradition / by Robb Andrew Young : hardback. - Leiden : Brill , 2012
66 v. 156 Early Biblical Hebrew, late Biblical Hebrew, and linguistic variability : a sociolinguistic evaluation of the linguistic dating of Biblical texts / by Dong-Hyuk Kim : hardback,: e-book. - Leiden ; Boston : Brill , 2013
67 v. 157 Text-critical and hermeneutical studies in the Septuagint / edited by Johann Cook, Hermann-Josef Stipp : hardback. - Leiden : Brill , 2012
68 v. 158 Aux origines des messianismes juifs : actes du colloque international tenu en Sorbonne, à Paris, les 8 et 9 juin 2010 / edited by David Hamidović : hardback. - Leiden : Brill , 2013
69 v. 159 YHWH is king : the development of divine kingship in ancient Israel / by Shawn W. Flynn : hardback. - Leiden ; Boston : Brill , 2014
70 volume 160 A concise lexicon of late biblical Hebrew : linguistic innovations in the writings of the Second Temple period / by Avi Hurvitz ; in collaboration with Leeor Gottlieb, Aaron Hornkohl and Emmanuel Mastéy : hardback. - Leiden ; Boston : Brill , c2014
71 volume 161 Exodus und Eisodus : Komposition und Theologie von Josua 1-5 / von Joachim J. Krause : hardcover,: e-book. - Leiden : Brill , 2014
72 volume 162 The making of Israel / by C.L. Crouch : hardcover,: e-book. - Leiden ; Boston : Brill , c2014
73 volume 164. Formation and interpretation of Old Testament literature The book of Exodus : composition, reception, and interpretation / edited by Thomas B. Dozeman, Craig A. Evans, Joel N. Lohr : hardback,: ebook. - Leiden, the Netherlands ; Boston : Brill , c2014
74 volume 165 Studies on the language and literature of the Bible : selected works of J.A. Emerton / edited by Graham Davies and Robert Gordon : hardcover,: e-book. - Leiden ; Boston : Brill , c2015
75 volume 166 Psalms 38 and 145 of the Old Greek version / by Randall X. Gauthier : hardback,: ebook. - Leiden ; Boston : Brill , c2014
76 v. 168 New perspectives on Old Testament prophecy and history : essays in honour of Hans M. Barstad / edited by Rannfrid I. Thelle, Terje Stordalen and Mervyn E.J. Richardson : hardback. - Leiden : Brill , c2015
77 v. 169 The Dead Sea Scrolls and the developmental composition of the Bible / by Eugene Ulrich : hardback. - Leiden : Brill , 2015
78 v. 170 The old Greek translation of Zechariah / by Gunnar Magnus Eidsvåg : hardback. - Leiden : Brill , c2016
79 volume 171 4QSamuela and the text of Samuel / by Jason K. Driesbach : hardback,: e-book. - Leiden ; Boston : Brill , c2016
80 volume 172 Septuagint, sages, and scripture : studies in honour of Johann Cook / edited by Randall X. Gauthier, Gideon R. Kotzé, Gert J. Steyn : hardcover. - Leiden ; Boston : Brill , c2016
81 v. 173 . The text of the Bible at Qumran Leviticus at Qumran : text and interpretation / by Robert A. Kugler and Kyung S. Baek ; with contributions by Eugene Ulrich, Peter W. Flint : hardback. - Leiden : Brill , c2017
82 v. 174 Traductor scriptor : the Old Greek translation of Exodus 1-14 as scribal activity / by John Screnock : hardback. - Leiden : Brill , c2017
83 v. 175 The dynamics of violence and revenge in the Hebrew Book of Esther / by Francisco-Javier Ruiz-Ortiz : hardback. - Leiden : Brill , c2017
84 v. 176 Interpreting quoted speech in prophetic literature : a study of Jeremiah 2.1-3.5 / by Samuel Hildebrandt : hardback. - Leiden : Brill , c2017
85 v. 177 Congress volume Stellenbosch 2016 / edited by Louis C. Jonker, Gideon R. Kotzé, Christl M. Maier : hardback. - Leiden : Brill , c2017
86 v. 178 The Book of Jeremiah : composition, reception, and interpretation / edited by Jack R. Lundbom, Craig A. Evans, Bradford A. Anderson : hardback. - Leiden : Brill , c2018
87 v. 179 Metaphorical landscapes and the theology of the Book of Job : an analysis of Job's spatial metaphors / by Johan de Joode : hardback. - Leiden : Brill , c2019
88 v. 180 Les Douze Prophètes dans la LXX : protocoles et procédures dans la traduction grecque : stylistique, poétique et histoire / édité par Cécile Dogniez, Philippe Le Moigne : hbk. - Leiden : Brill , c2019
89 v. 182 Kritik des Wachstumsmodells : die Grenzen alttestamentlicher Redaktionsgeschichte im Lichte empirischer Evidenz / von Benjamin Ziemer : hardback. - Leiden : Brill , c2020
90 v. 183 Jeremiah 52 in the context of the Book of Jeremiah / by Henk de Waard : hardback. - Leiden : Brill , c2020
91 v. 185 Textual and literary criticism of the Books of Kings : collected essays / by Julio Trebolle Barrera ; edited by Andrés Piquer Otero, Pablo A. Torijano : hardback. - Leiden : Brill , c2020
92 v. 186 Prophets, priests, and promises : essays on the Deuteronomistic history, Chronicles, and Ezra-Nehemiah / by Gary N. Knoppers ; editors, Christl M. Maier, H.G.M. Williamson : hbk. - Leiden : Brill , c2021
93 v. 187 The "God of Israel" in history and tradition / by Michael J. Stahl : hardback. - Leiden : Brill , c2021
94 v. 188 Metaphors in Proverbs : decoding the language of metaphor in the book of Proverbs / by Sergio Rotasperti : hardback. - Leiden : Brill , c2021
95 v. 189 Scribes writing scripture : doublets, textual divination, and the formation of the Book of Jeremiah / by Justus Theodore Ghormley : hbk. - Leiden : Brill , c2022
96 v. 190 Mose und Aaron als Beamte des Gottes Israels : die Entstehung des biblischen Konzepts der Leviten / von Raik Heckl : hardback. - Leiden : Brill , c2022


別書名 その他のタイトル:Supplements to the Vetus Testamentum
異なりアクセスタイトル:The text of the Bible at Qumran
一般注記 Title on v. 118: Supplements to the Vetus Testamentum
NCID BA00615315
