
Supplements to Novum Testamentum

データ種別 図書
出版情報 Leiden : E.J. Brill
本文言語 und


1 v. 17 The sayings of Jesus in the writings of Justin Martyr / by A.J. Bellinzoni Leiden : E.J. Brill , 1967
2 v. 29-31, 156 Sparsa collecta : the collected essays of W.C. van Unnik pt. 1 - pt. 4 : hardback. - Leiden : Brill , 1973-c2014
3 v. 34 The use of the Old and New Testaments in Clement of Rome / by Donald Alfred Hagner Leiden : Brill , 1973
4 v. 36 Patristic evidence for Jewish-Christian sects / by A.F.J. Klijn and G.J. Reinink Leiden : Brill , 1973
5 v. 37 Hermas and Christian prophecy : a study of the eleventh mandate / by J. Reiling Leiden : Brill , 1973
6 v. 38 The setting of Second Clement in early Christianity / by Karl Paul Donfreid Leiden : Brill , 1974
7 v. 56 The proof from prophecy : a study in Justin Martyr's proof-text tradition: text-type, provenance, theological profile / by Oskar Skarsaune Leiden : E.J. Brill , 1987
8 v. 77 The Didache in context : essays on its text, history and transmission / edited by Clayton N. Jefford : alk. paper. - Leiden ; New York : E.J. Brill , 1995
9 v. 106 Neotestamentica et Philonica : studies in honor of Peder Borgen / edited by David E. Aune, Torrey Seland, Jarl Henning Ulrichsen Leiden : Brill , 2003
10 v. 110 Early Christianity and classical culture : comparative studies in honor of Abraham J. Malherbe / edited by John T. Fitzgerald, Thomas H. Olbricht, and L. Michael White Leiden ; Boston, MA : Brill , 2003
11 v. 111 Philodemus and the New Testament world / edited by John T. Fitzgerald, Dirk Obbink, and Glenn S. Holland : hbk. - Leiden ; Boston : Brill , 2004
12 v. 112 Die apokryph gewordenen Evangelien : Studien zu neuen Texten und zu neuen Fragen / von Dieter Lührmann Leiden ; Boston : Brill , 2004
13 v. 113 The collected biblical writings of T.C. Skeat / introduced and edited by J.K. Elliott Leiden ; Boston : Brill , 2004
14 v. 114 The purpose of the Gospel of Mark in its historical and social context / by H.N. Roskam Leiden ; Boston : Brill , 2004
15 v. 115 The Missions of James, Peter, and Paul : tensions in early christianity / edited by Bruce Chilton and Craig Evans Leiden ; Boston : Brill , 2005
16 v. 116, 181 Perspectives on New Testament textual criticism / by Eldon Jay Epp [v. 1] : hbk,v. 2 : hbk. - Leiden ; Boston : Brill , c2005-
17 v. 119 Johannine sectarianism in perspective : a sociological, historical, and comparative analysis of temple and social relationships in the Gospel of John, Philo, and Qumran / by Kåre Sigvald Fuglseth : hbk. - Leiden ; Boston : Brill , 2005
18 v. 120 The mission of the church in Paul's letter to the Philippians in the context of ancient Judaism / by James P. Ware : hbk. - Leiden ; Boston : Brill , 2005
19 v. 136 From Judaism to Christianity : tradition and transition : a festschrift for Thomas H. Tobin, S.J., on the occasion of his sixty-fifth birthday / edited by Patricia Walters Leiden ; Boston : Brill , 2010
20 v. 137 New Testament textual criticism : the application of thoroughgoing principles : essays on manuscripts and textual variation / by J.K. Elliott Leiden ; Boston : Brill , 2010
21 v. 138 The Gospel 'according to Homer and Virgil' : cento and canon / by Karl Olav Sandnes : hardback. - Leiden ; Boston : Brill , 2011
22 v. 139 Scriptural interpretation and community self-definition in Luke-Acts and the Writings of Justin Martyr / by Susan J. Wendel Leiden ; Boston : Brill , 2011
23 v. 140 The development of christology during the first hundred years and other essays on early Christian christology / by Charles H. Talbert : hardback. - Leiden ; Boston : Brill , 2011
24 v. 141 Atonement and the logic of resurrection in the Epistle to the Hebrews / by David M. Moffitt Leiden ; Boston : Brill , 2011
25 v. 143 Greco-Roman culture and the New Testament : studies commemorating the centennial of the Pontifical Biblical Institute / edited by David E. Aune, Frederick E. Brenk hardback. - Leiden ; Boston : Brill , 2012
26 v. 144 The Fourth Gospel and the Scriptures : illuminating the form and meaning of scriptural citation in John 19:37 / by Wm. Randolph Bynum : hardback. - Leiden : Brill , 2012
27 v. 145 Persecution in 1 Peter : differentiating and contextualizing early Christian suffering / by Travis B. Williams : hardback. - Leiden : Brill , 2012
28 v. 146 Contested issues in Christian origins and the New Testament : collected essays / by Luke Timothy Johnson : hardback,: e-book. - Leiden ; Boston : Brill , 2013
29 v. 147 Moral education for women in the pastoral and Pythagorean letters : philosophers of the household / by Annette Bourland Huizenga : hardback,: e-book. - Leiden ; Boston : Brill , 2013
30 v. 148 The scriptures of Israel in Jewish and Christian tradition : essays in honour of Maarten J.J. Menken / edited by Bart Koet ... [et al.] : hardback,: e-book. - Leiden ; Boston : Brill , 2013
31 v. 149 Paul, John, and apocalyptic eschatology : studies in Honour of Martinus C. de Boer / by Jan Krans ... [et al.] : hardback. - Leiden ; Boston : Brill , 2013
32 v. 150 Light from the Gentiles : Hellenistic philosophy and early Christianity : collected essays, 1959-2012 / by Abraham J. Malherbe ; edited by Carl R. Holladay ... [et al.] : set,v. 1 : hardcover,v. 2 : hardcover. - Leiden : Brill , 2014
33 v. 152 God, grace, and righteousness in wisdom of Solomon and Paul's letter to the Romans : texts in conversation / by Jonathan A. Linebaugh : hardback. - Leiden : Brill , 2013
34 v. 153 Divine visitations and hospitality to strangers in Luke-Acts : an interpretation of the Malta episode in Acts 28:1-10 / by Joshua W. Jipp : hardback. - Leiden : Brill , 2013
35 v. 154 The Gospel of John : more light from Philo, Paul and archaeology : the Scriptures, Tradition, Exposition, Settings, Meaning / by Peder Borgen : hardback. - Leiden : Brill , 2014
36 v. 155 Corinth in contrast : studies in inequality / edited by Steven J. Friesen, Sarah A. James, and Daniel N. Schowalter : hardback,: pbk. - Leiden : Brill , 2014
37 v. 157 Grace and agency in Paul and Second Temple Judaism : interpreting the transformation of the heart / by Kyle B. Wells : hardback. - Leiden : Brill , c2015
38 v. 158 The lawsuit motif in John's gospel from new perspectives : Jesus Christ, crucified criminal and emperor of the world / by Per Jarle Bekken : hardback. - Leiden : Brill , c2015
39 v. 159 Moses in Corinth : the apologetic context of 2 Corinthians 3 / by Paul B. Duff : hardcover,: e-book. - Boston : Brill , c2015
40 v. 160 A bibliography of Greek New Testament manuscripts / by J.K. Elliott : hardback. - 3rd ed. - Leiden : Brill , c2015
41 v. 161 Faiblesse et force, présidence et collégialité chez Paul de Tarse : recherche littéraire et théologique sur 2 Co 10-13 dans le contexte du genre épistolaire antique / par Loïc P.M. Berge : hardback. - Leiden : Brill , c2015
42 v. 162 The adaptable Jesus of the fourth gospel : the pedagogy of the logos / by Jason S. Sturdevant : hardback. - Leiden : Brill , c2015
43 v. 164 God and grace in Philo and Paul / by Orrey McFarland : hardback. - Leiden : Brill , c2016
44 v. 167 Paul's letters and contemporary Greco-Roman literature : theorizing a new taxonomy / by Paul M. Robertson : hardback. - Leiden : Brill , c2016
45 v. 168 Adam's dust and Adam's glory in the Hodayot and the letters of Paul : rethinking anthropogony and theology / by Nicholas A. Meyer : hardback. - Leiden : Brill , c2016
46 v. 169 Abrahamic descent, testamentary adoption, and the law in Galatians : differentiating Abraham's sons, seed, and children of promise / by Bradley R. Trick : hardback. - Leiden : Brill , c2016
47 v. 170 Matthew's new David at the end of exile : a socio-rhetorical study of scriptural quotations / by Nicholas G. Piotrowski : hardback. - Leiden : Brill , c2016
48 v. 171 Hebrews and the Temple : attitudes to the temple in Second temple Judaism and in Hebrews / by Philip Church : hardback. - Leiden : Brill , c2017
49 v. 172 The rhetorical functions of scriptural quotations in Romans : Paul's argumentation by quotations / by Katja Kujanpää : hardback. - Leiden : Brill , c2019
50 v. 173 Opponents and identity in Philippians / by Nina Nikki : hardback. - Leiden : Brill , c2019
51 v. 174 Adolf Deissmann : ein (zu Unrecht) fast vergessener Theologe und Philologe / herausgegeben von Cilliers Breytenbach, Christoph Markschies : hardback. - Leiden : Brill , c2019
52 v. 175 Sōtēria : salvation in early Christianity and antiquity : festschrift in honour of Cilliers Breytenbach on the occasion of his 65th birthday / edited by David S. du Toit, Christine Gerber, Christiane Zimmermann : hardback. - Leiden : Brill , c2019
53 v. 176 The Shepherd of Hermas and the Pauline legacy / by Jonathan E. Soyars : hardback. - Leiden : Brill , c2019
54 v. 178 The Sermon on the mount and spiritual exercises : the making of the Matthean self / by George Branch-Trevathan : hardback. - Leiden : Brill , c2020
55 v. 179 Early Christians adapting to the Roman Empire : mutual recognition / by Niko Huttunen : hardback. - Leiden : Brill , c2020
56 v. 180 Monotheism and Christology in Greco-Roman antiquity / edited by Matthew V. Novenson : hardback. - Leiden : Brill , c2020
57 v. 182 The Gospel according to Mark as episodic narrative / by Cilliers Breytenbach : hardback. - Leiden : Brill , c2021
58 v. 183 "To recover what has been lost" : essays on eschatology, intertextuality, and reception history in honor of Dale C. Allison Jr. / edited by Tucker S. Ferda, Daniel Frayer-Griggs, Nathan C. Johnson : hardback. - Leiden : Brill , c2021
59 v. 184 Deciphering the worlds of Hebrews : collected essays / by Gabriella Gelardini : hardback. - Leiden : Brill , c2021
60 v. 185 Felix culpa : ritual failure and theological innovation in early Christianity / by Peter-Ben Smit : hbk. - Leiden : Brill , c2022
61 v. 186 Philippi, from Colonia Augusta to Communitas Christiana : religion and society in transition / edited by Steven J. Friesen, Michalis Lychounas, Daniel N. Schowalter : hbk,: ebook. - Leiden : Brill , c2022
62 v. 187 Escaping shame : Mary's dilemma and the birthplace of Jesus / by N. Clayton Croy : hardback. - Leiden : Brill , c2022
63 v. 188 Ancient philosophy and early Christianity : studies in honor of Johan C. Thom / edited by Gideon R. Kotzé, Philip R. Bosman : hardback. - Leiden : Brill , c2022
64 v. 189 The social worlds of ancient Jews and Christians : essays in honor of L. Michael White / edited by Jaimie Gunderson, Tony Keddie, Douglas Boin : hardback. - Leiden : Brill , c2023
65 v. 190 Paul, Christian textuality, and the hermeneutics of late antiquity : essays in honor of Margaret M. Mitchell / edited by David P. Moessner ... [et al.] : hardback. - Leiden ; Boston : Brill , c2023
66 v. 191 Determined by Christ : the Pauline metaphor 'being in Christ' / by Barbara Beyer : hardback. - Leiden : Brill , c2024
67 v. 192 The meaning and uses of βασιλεία in the Gospel of Matthew : semantic monosemy and pragmatic modulation / by Tobias Ålöw : hardback. - Leiden : Brill , c2024
68 v. 193 Paul and Seneca within the ancient consolation tradition : a comparison / by Alex W. Muir : hardback. - Leiden : Brill , c2024


別書名 異なりアクセスタイトル:NovTSup
異なりアクセスタイトル:Novum Testamentum, supplements
NCID BA0030169X