
The classics of Western spirituality

データ種別 図書
出版情報 New York : Paulist Press
本文言語 und


1 Meister Eckhart, teacher and preacher / edited by Bernard McGinn with the collaboration of Frank Tobin and Elvira Borgstadt ; preface by Kenneth Northcott : pbk,: hard. - New York : Paulist Press , c1986
2 The cloud of unknowing / edited, with an introduction, by James Walsh ; preface by Simon Tugwell : pbk. - New York : Paulist Press , c1981
3 Scivias / Hildegard of Bingen ; translated by Columba Hart and Jane Bishop ; introduced by Barbara J. Newman ; preface by Caroline Walker Bynum : pbk. - New York : Paulist Press , c1990
4 John Donne : selections from divine poems, sermons, devotions, and prayers / edited and introduced by John Booty ; preface by P.G. Stanwood : pbk. - New York : Paulist Press , c1990
5 Birgitta of Sweden : life and selected revelations / Birgitta of Sweden ; edited, with a preface by Marguerite Tjader Harris ; translation and notes by Albert Ryle Kezel ; introduction by Tore Nyberg : pbk. - New York : Paulist Press , c1990
6 The book of wisdom / Ibn ʿAtaʾ Illah . Intimate conversations / K[h]waja Abdullah Ansari ; introd., translation, and notes of The book of wisdom by Victor Danner and of Intimate conversations by Wheeler M. Thackston ; pref. by Annemarie Schimmel : pbk. - New York : Paulist Press , c1978
7 Divine flashes / Fakhruddin ʿIraqi ; translation and introduction by William C. Chittick and Peter Lamborn Wilson ; preface by Seyyed Hossein Nasr : pbk,: pbk,: hard. - New York : Paulist Press , c1982
8 The bezels of wisdom / Ibn alʿArabi ; translation and introd. by R.W.J. Austin ; pref. by Titus Burckhardt : pbk. - New York : Paulist Press , c1980
9 The hundred letters / Sharafuddin Maneri ; translation, introd., and notes by Paul Jackson ; pref. by Syed Hasan Askari ; foreword by Bruce Lawrence : pbk. - New York : Paulist Press , c1980
10 Ibn ʿAbbād of Ronda : letters on the Sūfī path / translation and introduction by John Renard ; preface by Annemarie B. Schimmel : pbk,: hard. - New York : Paulist Press , c1986
11 #86 Early Islamic mysticism : Sufi, Qurʾan, Miraj, poetic and theological writings / translated, edited, and with an introduction by Michael A. Sells ; preface by Carl W. Ernst cloth : alk. paper,pbk. : alk. paper. - New York : Paulist Press , c1996
12 Zohar, the book of enlightenment / translation and introd. by Daniel Chanan Matt ; preface by Arthur Green : pbk. - New York : Paulist Press , c1983
13 The early Kabbalah / edited and introduced by Joseph Dan ; texts translated by Ronald C. Kiener ; preface by Moshe Idel : pbk,: hard. - New York : Paulist Press , c1986
14 Safed spirituality : rules of mystical piety, the beginning of wisdom / translation and introd. by Lawrence Fine ; preface by Louis Jacobs : pbk,: hard. - New York : Paulist Press , c1984
15 Origen / translation and introd. by Rowan A. Greer ; pref. by Hans Urs von Balthasar : pbk. - New York : Paulist Press , c1979
16 The life of Antony and the letter to Marcellinus / Athanasius ; translation and introd. by Robert C. Gregg ; preface by William A. Clebsch : cloth,: pbk. - New York : Paulist Press , c1980
17 The fifty spiritual homilies ; and, The great letter / Pseudo-Macarius ; translated, edited, and with an introduction by George A. Maloney ; preface by Kallistos Ware : pbk. - New York : Paulist Press , c1992
18 The life of Moses / Gregory of Nyssa ; translation, introd. and notes by Abraham J. Malherbe and Everett Ferguson ; preface by John Meyendorff : pbk. - New York : Paulist Press , c1978
19 Hymns / Ephrem the Syrian ; translated and introduced by Kathleen E. McVey ; preface by John Meyendorff : pbk. - New York : Paulist Press , c1989
20 Augustine of Hippo, selected writings / translation and introd. by Mary T. Clark ; preface by Goulven Madec : pbk,: hard. - New York : Paulist Press , c1984
21 Conferences / John Cassian ; translation and preface by Colm Luibheid ; introduction by Owen Chadwick : pbk,: hard. - New York : Paulist Press , c1985
22 Pseudo-Dionysius : the complete works / translation by Colm Luibhéid ; foreword, notes, and translation collaboration by Paul Rorem ; preface by René Roques ; introductions by Jaroslav Pelikan, Jean Leclercq, and Karlfried Froehlich : pbk. - New York : Paulist Press , c1987
23 Maximus Confessor : selected writings / translation and notes by George C. Berthold ; introduction by Jaroslav Pelikan ; preface by Irénée-Henri Dalmais : pbk. - London : SPCK , 1985
24 The discourses / Symeon the New Theologian ; translation by C.J. de Catanzaro ; introd. by George Maloney ; pref. by Basile Krivocheine : pbk. - New York : Paulist Press , c1980
25 The ladder of Divine Ascent / John Climacus ; translation by Colm Luibheid and Norman Russell ; notes on translation by Norman Russell ; introduction by Kallistos Ware ; preface by Colm Luibheid : pbk,: hard. - New York : Paulist Press , c1982
26 The triads / Gregory Palamas ; edited, with an introd. by John Meyendorff ; translation by Nicholas Gendle ; preface by Jaroslav Pelikan : pbk,: hard. - New York : Paulist Press , c1983
27 Apocalyptic spirituality : treatises and letters of Lactantius, Adso of Montier-en-Der, Joachim of Fiore, the Franciscan spirituals, Savonarola / translation and introd. by Bernard McGinn ; pref. by Marjorie Reeves : pbk. - New York : Paulist Press , c1979
28 Purgation and purgatory ; The spiritual dialogue / Catherine of Genoa ; translation and notes by Serge Hughes ; introduction by Benedict J. Groeschel ; preface by Catherine de Hueck Doherty : paper,: cloth. - New York : Paulist Press , c1979
29 Anchoritic spirituality : Ancrene wisse and associated works / translated and introduced by Anne Savage and Nicholas Watson ; preface by Benedicta Ward : pbk. - New York : Paulist Press , c1991
30 Bernard of Clairvaux : selected works / translation and foreword by G.R. Evans ; introduction by Jean Leclercq ; preface by Ewert H. Cousins : pbk. - New York : Paulist Press , c1987
31 The twelve patriarchs ; The mystical ark ; Book three of The Trinity / Richard of St. Victor ; translation and introd. by Grover A. Zinn ; pref. by Jean Châtillon : pbk. - New York : Paulist Press , c1979
32 Bonaventure / translation and introduction by Ewert Cousins ; preface by Ignatius Brady : pbk. - New York : Paulist Press , c1978
33 Albert & Thomas : selected writings / translated, edited, and introduced by Simon Tugwell ; preface by Leonard E. Boyle : pbk. - New York : Paulist Press , c1988
34 The mirror of simple souls / Marguerite Porete ; translated and introduced by Ellen L. Babinsky ; preface by Robert E. Lerner : cloth,: paper. - New York : Paulist Press , c1993
35 Carthusian spirituality : the writings of Hugh of Balma and Guigo de Ponte / translated and introduced by Dennis D. Martin ; preface by John Van Engen New York : Paulist Press , c1997
36 #92 Jean Gerson : early works / translated and introduced by Brian Patrick McGuire ; preface by Bernard McGinn alk. paper,pbk. : alk. paper. - New York : Paulist Press , c1998
37 Early Dominicans : selected writings / edited with an introduction by Simon Tugwell ; preface by Vincent de Couesnongle : pbk,: hard. - New York : Paulist Press , c1982
38 Meister Eckhart, the essential sermons, commentaries, treatises, and defense / translation and introduction by Edmund Colledge, and Bernard McGinn ; preface by Huston Smith : cloth,: pbk. - New York : Paulist Press , c1981
39 Selected spiritual writings / Nicholas of Cusa ; translated and introduced by H. Lawrence Bond ; preface by Morimichi Watanabe : pbk. - New York : Paulist Press , c1997
40 Devotio moderna : basic writings / translated and introduced by John Van Engen ; preface by Heiko A. Oberman : pbk. - New York : Paulist Press , c1988
41 The pursuit of wisdom and other works / by the author of the Cloud of unknowing ; translated, edited, and annotated by James A. Walsh ; preface by George A. Maloney : pbk,: hard. - New York : Paulist Press , c1988
42 The English writings / Richard Rolle ; translated, edited, and introduced by Rosamund S. Allen ; preface by Valerie M. Lagorio : pbk. - New York : Paulist Press , c1988
43 The flowing light of the Godhead / Mechthild of Magdeburg ; translated and introduced by Frank Tobin ; preface by Margot Schmidt : cloth,: pbk. - New York : Paulist Press , c1998
44 The complete works / Hadewijch ; translation and introduction by Columba Hart ; preface by Paul Mommaers : cloth,: pbk. - New York : Paulist Press , c1980
45 Complete works / Angela of Foligno ; translated, with an introduction by Paul Lachance ; preface by Romana Guarnieri : pbk. - New York : Paulist Press , c1993
46 The herald of divine love / Gertrude of Helfta ; translated and edited by Margaret Winkworth ; introduced by Maximilian Marnau ; preface by Louis Bouyer : cloth,: pbk. - New York : Paulist Press , c1993
47 Showings / Julian of Norwich ; translated from the critical text, with an introd., by Edmund Colledge and James Walsh ; preface by Jean Leclercq : cloth,: pbk. - New York : Paulist Press , c1978
48 Major works / Margaret Ebner ; translated and edited by Leonard P. Hindsley ; introduced by Margot Schmidt and Leonard P. Hindsley ; preface by Richard Woods : cloth,: pbk. - New York : Paulist Press , c1993
49 Francis and Clare : the complete works / translation and introduction by Regis J. Armstrong and Ignatius C. Brady ; preface by John Vaughn : pbk,: hard. - New York : Paulist Press , c1982
50 The third spiritual alphabet / Francisco de Osuna ; translation and introduction by Mary E. Giles ; preface by Kieran Kavanaugh : pbk. - New York : Paulist Press , c1981
51 The names of Christ / Luis de León ; translation and introd. by Manuel Durán and William Kluback ; preface by J. Ferrater Mora : pbk. - New York : Paulist Press , c1984
52 The lauds / translated by Serge and Elizabeth Hughes ; introduction by Serge Hughes ; preface by Elémire Zolla : pbk,: hard. - New York : Paulist Press , c1982
53 94 Jewish mystical autobiographies : Book of visions and Book of secrets / translated and introduced by Morris M. Faierstein ; preface by Moshe Idel : pbk. - New York : Paulist Press , 1999
54 Elisabeth of Schönau : the complete works ; translated and introduced by Anne L. Clark : pbk. - New York : Paulist Press , c2000
55 96 Celtic spirituality / translated and introduced by Oliver Davies ; with the collaboration of Thomas O'Loughlin ; prerface by James Mackey : pbk. - New York : Paulist Press , 1999
56 Fénelon : selected writings / edited, translated, and introduced by Chad Helms : pbk. - Mahwah, NJ : Paulist Press , c2006
57 John Calvin : writings on pastoral piety / edited and with translations by Elsie Anne McKee ; preface by B.A. Gerrish : pbk. - New York : Paulist Press , c2001
58 The labyrinth of the world and the paradise of the heart / John Comenius ; translated and introduced by Howard Louthan and Andrea Sterk ; preface by Jan Milič Lochman : cloth,: pbk. - New York : Paulist Press , c1998
59 Norbert and early norbertine spirituality / selected and introduced by Theodore J. Antry and Carol Neel ; preface by Andrew D. Ciferni New York : Paulist Press , c2007
60 Pietists : selected writings / edited with an introduction by Peter C. Erb ; preface by F. Ernest Stoeffler : pbk. - New York : Paulist Press , c1983
61 The dialogue / Catherine of Siena ; translation and introd. by Suzanne Noffke ; pref. by Giuliana Cavallini : pbk. - New York : Paulist Press , c1980
62 Late medieval mysticism of the Low Countries / edited by Rik Van Nieuwenhove, Robert Faesen, SJ, and Helen Rolfson Mahwah, N.J. : Paulist Press , 2008
63 The spiritual guide / Miguel de Molinos ; edited and translated by Robert P. Baird ; introduction by Robert P.Baird and Bernard McGinn : pbk. - New York : Paulist Press , c2010
64 On the Song of Songs and selected writings / The venerable Bede ; translated, edited, and introduced by Arthur Holder ; preface by Benedicta Ward New York : Paulist Press , c2011
65 [97] Maria Maddalena de' Pazzi / translated and introduced by Armando Maggi ; preface by E. Ann Matter New York : Paulist Press , c2000
66 Spiritual writings / Robert Bellarmine ; translated and edited by John Patrick Donnelly and Roland J. Teske ; introd. by John Patrick Donnelly ; preface by John W. O'Malley : pbk. - New York : Paulist Press , c1989
67 ʿUmar ibn al-Fāriḍ : Sufi verse, saintly life / translated and introduced by Th. Emil Homerin ; preface by Michael A. Sells : pbk. - New York : Paulist Press , c2001
68 The contemplative life ; The giants ; and, Selections / Philo of Alexandria ; translation and introduction by David Winston ; preface by John Dillon ; [cover art, Liam Roberts] : pbk. - New York : Paulist Press , c1981
69 Angelic spirituality : medieval perspectives on the ways of angels / translated and introduced by Steven Chase ; preface by Ewert H. Cousins : cloth,: paper. - New York : Paulist , c2002
70 Nil Sorsky, the complete writings / edited and translated by George A. Maloney ; preface by John L. Mina : hard. - New York : Paulist Press , c2003
71 Selected writings / Alphonsus de Liguori ; edited by Frederick M. Jones, with the collaboration of Brendan McConvery ... [et al.] ; consultants, Sean O'Riordan and Carl Hoegerl ; preface by Sean O'Riordan : cloth,: pbk. - New York : Paulist Press , c1999
72 The country parson ; The temple / George Herbert ; edited, with an introduction by John N. Wall, Jr. ; preface by A.M. Allchin : pbk. - New York : Paulist Press , c1981
73 Valentin Weigel : selected spiritual writings / translated and introduced by Andrew Weeks ; preface by R. Emmet McLaughlin Mahwah, N.J. : Paulist Press , c2003
74 Francis de Sales, Jane de Chantal : letters of spiritual direction / translated by Péronne Marie Thibert ; selected and introduced by Wendy M. Wright and Joseph F. Power ; preface by Henri J.M. Nouwen : pbk,: est. - New York : Paulist Press , c1988
75 True Christianity / Johann Arndt ; translation and introd. by Peter Erb ; pref. by Heiko A. Oberman : pbk. - New York : Paulist Press , c1979
76 The way to Christ / Jacob Boehme ; translation and introd. by Peter Erb ; pref. by Winfried Zeller : pbk. - New York : Paulist Press , c1978
77 Dominican penitent women / edited, translated, and introduced by Maiju Lehmijoki-Gardner ; with contributions by Daniel E. Bornstein and E. Ann Matter ; preface by Gabriella Zarri : pbk,: cloth. - Mahwah, N.J. : Paulist Press , c2005
78 Cambridge Platonist spirituality / edited and introduced by Charles Taliaferro and Alison J. Teply ; preface by Jaroslav Pelikan : pbk.. - New York : Paulist Press , c2004
79 Bérulle and the French School : selected writings / edited with an introduction by William M. Thompson ; translation by Lowell M. Glendon ; preface by Susan A. Muto : pbk. - New York : Paulist Press , c1989
80 Vincent de Paul and Louise de Marillac : rules, conferences, and writings / edited by Frances Ryan and John E. Rybolt ; introduced by Hugh F. O'Donnell ... [et al.] ; preface by Amin A. de Tarrazi : pbk. - New York : Paulist Press , c1995
81 Early Anabaptist spirituality : selected writings / translated, edited, and with an introduction by Daniel Liechty ; preface by Hans J. Hillerbrand : pbk. - New York : Paulist Press , c1994
82 Henry Suso : the Exemplar, with two German sermons / translated, edited, and introduced by Frank Tobin ; preface by Bernard McGinn : pbk. - New York : Paulist Press , c1989
83 The cherubinic wanderer / Angelus Silesius ; translation and foreword by Maria Shrady ; introduction and notes by Josef Schmidt ; preface by E.J. Furcha : pbk. - New York : Paulist Press , c1986
84 #100 Anglo-Saxon spirituality : selected writings / translated and introduced by Robert Boenig ; preface by Richard K. Emmerson New York : Paulist Press , c2000
85 Theatine spirituality : selected writings / translated, edited, and with an introduction and notes by William V. Hudon ; preface by Gigliola Fragnito New York : Paulist Press , c1996


別書名 異なりアクセスタイトル:The classics of Western spirituality : a library of the great spiritual masters
NCID BA01297044