
Janua linguarum

データ種別 図書
出版情報 The Hague ; Berlin : Mouton
本文言語 und


1 series maior ; 1 Sign, language, culture = Signe, langage, culture = Znak, język, kultura = Знак, язык, купьтура / editorial board, A.J. Greimas ... [et al.] The Hague : Mouton , 1970
2 nr. 1 Fundamentals of language / by Roman Jakobson and Morris Halle The Hague : Mouton , 1956
3 Series minor ; 1 Fundamentals of language / by Roman Jakobson and Morris Halle 2nd rev. ed. - The Hague : Mouton , 1971
4 Series maior ; 2 Kamchadal texts collected by W. Jochelson / by Dean Stoddard Worth 's-Gravenhage : Mouton , 1961
5 nr. 2 . Studia memoriae Nicolai van Wijk dedicata Les langues slaves de l'Unité à la Pluralité : (série de leçons faites à la Sorbonne) / par N. van Wijk 2. éd., corr. - 's-Gravenhage : Mouton , 1956
6 studia memoriae Nicolai van Wijk Dedicata . Series Maior, 3 . Theorie der Grammatik ; 4 Grammatik und Grammatizität / von Peter Hartmann 's-Gravenhage : Mouton , 1962
7 Series minor ; 4 Syntactic structures / by Noam Chomsky The Hague : Mouton , 1957
8 nr. 4 Syntactic structures / by Noam Chomsky The Hague : Mouton , 1957
9 Series maior ; 5 Traumatic aphasia : its syndromes, psychology and treatment / by A.R. Luria ; translated from the Russian, with a foreword by Macdonald Critchley The Hague : Mouton , 1970
10 Series maior ; 7 Diachronic and synchronic aspects of language : selected articles / by Alf Sommerfelt 's-Gravenhage : Mouton , 1971
11 nr. 7 Introduction to the spectrography of speech / by Ernst Pulgram 's-Gravenhage : Mouton , 1959
12 series minor 8 Concordance and thesaurus of Cheremis poetic language / by Thomas A. Sebeok & Valdis J. Zeps 's-Gravenhage : Mouton , 1961
13 . Series practica ; 8 A statistical linguistic analysis of American English / by A. Hood Roberts The Hague : Mouton , 1965
14 Series minor ; nr. 9 Sur la théorie de la syllabe / par Alexandre Rosetti The Hague : Mouton , 1963
15 Series maior ; 9 The calculus of linguistic observations / by Gustav Herdan 's-Gravenhage : Mouton , 1962
16 series practica, 9 Morphosyntax of the Homeric Greek verb / Valdis Lejnieks The Hague : Mouton , 1964
17 Series maior ; 12 Proceedings of the Ninth International Congress of Linguists : Cambridge, Mass., August 27-31, 1962 / edited by Horace G. Lunt The Hague : Mouton , 1964
18 Series maior ; 13 Mechanisms of speech / by N.I. Z̆inkin ; [translated from the Russian by Antonina Filonov Gove] The Hague : Mouton , 1968
19 Series maior ; 14 Language in the crib / by Ruth Hirsch Weir The Hague : Mouton , 1962
20 nr. 14 Generality, gradience, and the all-or-none / by Dwight L. Bolinger The Hague : Mouton , 1961
21 Series Critica, v. 14 Written language : general problems and problems of English / by Josef Vachek The Hague : Mouton , 1973
22 Series maior ; 15 Approaches to semiotics : cultural anthropology, education, linguistics, psychiatry, psychology : transactions of the Indiana University Conference on Paralinguistics and Kinesics / edited by Thomas A. Sebeok, Alfred S. Hayes [and] Mary Catherine Bateson The Hague : Mouton , 1964
23 series practica , 15 The verb forms of the south English legendary / Eichi Kobayashi The Hague : Mouton , 1964
24 Series didactica ; 16 Comprehension and problem solving as strategies for language training / by Harris Winitz and James Reeds The Hague : Mouton , 1975
25 nr. 16 Sens et usages du terme structure dans les sciences humaines et sociales / edité par Roger Bastide 'S-Gravenhage : Mouton , 1962
26 Series maior ; 16 Linguistica / par A. Rosetti The Hague : Mouton , 1965
27 Series minor ; nr. 17 Sandhi : the theoretical, phonetic, and historical bases of word-junction in Sanskrit / by William Sidney Allen The Hague : Mouton , 1962
28 . Series maior ; v.17 Proceedings of the Eighth International Congress of Onomastic Sciences / edited by D.P. Blok The Hague : Mouton , 1966
29 Series minor, 18 Philosophies of language in eighteenth-century France / by Pierre Juliard The Hague : Mouton , 1970
30 Series maior ; 18 Studies in French and comparative phonetics : selected papers in French and English / by Pierre Delattre The Hague : Mouton , 1966
31 Series practica, 19 A synopsis of English syntax / Eugene A. Nida 2., rev. ed.. - The Hague ; London : Mouton , c1966
32 Series maior ; 19 The grammaire des grammaires of Girault-Duvivier : a study of nineteenth-century French / J. Levitt The Hague ; Paris : Mouton , 1968
33 nr. 19 Word order patterning in Middle English : a quantitative study based on Piers Plowman and Middle English sermons / by Walerian Świeczkowski 'S-Gravenhage : Mouton , 1962
34 series maior ; 20 Sociolinguistics : proceedings of the UCLA Sociolinguistics Conference, 1964 / edited by William Bright The Hague ; Paris : Mouton , 1966
35 Series practica ; 20 The Harley Latin-Old English glossary / edited from British Museum MS Harley 3376 by Robert T. Oliphant The Hague ; Paris : Mouton , 1966
36 Series minor ; 21 Collectanea linguistica : essays in general and genetic linguistics / by N.E. Collinge The Hague : Mouton , 1970
37 Series maior ; 21 Language loyalty in the United States : the maintenance and perpetuation of non-English mother tongues by American ethnic and religious groups / by Joshua A. Fishman ... [et al.] The Hague : Mouton , 1966
38 Series maior ; 22 Nordica et Anglica : studies in honor of Stefán Einarsson / edited by Allan H. Orrick The Hague : Mouton , 1968
39 nr. 22 A resonance theory for linguistics / by Ernest F. Haden, Mieko S. Han, Yuri W. Han 's-Gravenhage : Mouton , 1962
40 Series minor ; Nr. 23 Linguistic structures in poetry / by Samuel R. Levin The Hague : Mouton , 1973
41 Series maior ; 23 Some systems of substitution correlations in modern American English / by Ruth Crymes The Hague ; Paris : Mouton , 1968
42 Series minor ; nr. 23 Linguistic structures in poetry / by Samuel R. Levin The Hague : Mouton , 1962
43 . Ser. practica ; 24 The verb system of present-day American English / by Robert Livingston Allen The Hague ; Paris : Mouton , 1966
44 Serie minor ; nr. 24 The English verb system / by Alphonse Juilland and James Macris The Hague : Mouton , 1962
45 Series maior ; 24 Language in relation to a unified theory of the structure of human behavior / by Kenneth L. Pike 2nd, rev. ed. - The Hague : Mouton , 1967
46 Series minor ; nr. 25 Die Metaphern in der Phonetik : ein Beitrag zur Entwicklungsgeschichte des wissenschaftlichen Denkens / von Ivan Fónagy The Hague : Mouton , 1963
47 Series maior ; 25 Papers in linguistics in honor of Léon Dostert / edited by William M. Austin The Hague : Mouton , 1967
48 Series maior ; 26 Language and Lewis Carroll / by Robert D. Sutherland The Hague ; Paris : Mouton , 1970
49 Series minor ; nr. 26 . Fundamentals of phonetics ; 1 The Organ of Hearing / by H. Mol The Hague : Mouton , 1963
50 Series minor ; nr. 26 . Fundamentals of phonetics ; 2 Acoustical models generating the formants of the vowel phonemes / by H. Mol The Hague : Mouton , 1970
51 Series minor ; nr. 27 Questions of meaning / by László Antal The Hague : Mouton , 1963
52 Series maior ; 27 Mélanges Marcel Cohen : études de linguistique, ethnographie et sciences connexes offertes par ses amis et ses élèves à l'occasion de son 80ème anniversaire : avec des articles et études inédits des Marcel Cohen / réunis par David Cohen The Hague : Mouton , 1970
53 Series minor ; nr. 28 Linguistic science and logic / by Robert M.W. Dixon The Hague : Mouton , 1963
54 Series maior ; 29 Missionary linguistics in New France : a study of seventeenth- and eighteenth-century descriptions of American Indian languages / by Victor Egon Hanzeli The Hague : Mouton , 1969
55 Series minor ; nr. 29 Language standardization : studies in prescriptive linguistics / by Punya Sloka Ray The Hague : Mouton , 1963
56 Series minor ; nr. 30 On linguistic method : selected papers / by Paul L. Garvin The Hague : Mouton , 1964
57 Series minor ; nr. 31 Content, meaning, and understanding / by László Antal The Hague : Mouton , 1964
58 Series maior ; 31-33 To honor Roman Jakobson : essays on the occasion of his seventieth birthday, 11 October 1966 v. 1,v. 2,v. 3. - The Hague ; Paris : Mouton , 1967
59 Series minor ; nr. 32 La machine à traduire : histoire des problèmes linguistiques / par Georges Mounin The Hague : Mouton , 1964
60 Series minor ; nr. 33 Grammar discovery procedures : a field manual / by Robert E. Longacre The Hague : Mouton , 1964
61 Series maior ; 34 Pratidānam : Indian, Iranian and Indo-European studies presented to Franciscus Bernardus Jacpbus Kuiper on his sixtieth birthday / edited by J.C. Heesterman, G.H. Schokker, V.I. Subramoniam The Hague ; Paris : Mouton , 1968
62 Series minor ; nr. 34 Set theory and syntactic description / by William S. Cooper The Hauge : Mouton , 1964
63 Series minor ; nr. 35 Principes de noologie : fondements de la théorie fonctionnelle du signifié / par Luis J. Prieto ; préface d' André Martinet The Hague : Mouton , 1964
64 series maior, 35 Aristotle and information theory : a comparison of the influence of causal assumptions on two theories of communication / Lawrence William Rosenfield The Hague : Mouton , 1971
65 series maior ; 36 Wortbildung Syntax und Morphologie : Festschrift zum 60. Geburtstag von Hans Marchand am 1. Oktober 1967 / herausgegeben von Herbert E. Brekle und Leonhard Lipka The Hague : Mouton , 1968
66 . Series practica ; 36 The old high German diphthongization : a description of a phonemic change / by Irmengard Rauch The Hague : Mouton , 1967
67 Series maior ; 37 Philological essays : studies in Old and Middle English language and literature, in honour of Herbert Dean Meritt / edited by James L. Rosier The Hague : Mouton , 1970
68 Series minor ; nr. 37 Syntactic translation / by Wayne Tosh The Hague : Mouton , 1965
69 Series minor ; 38 The function of the lexicon in transformational generative grammar / by Rudolf P. Botha The Hague ; Paris : Mouton , 1968
70 series minor ; nr. 38 Current issues in linguistic theory / by Noam Chomsky The Hague : Mouton , 1964
71 Series maior ; 39 Manual of lexicography / by Ladislav Zgusta ; in cooperation with V. Černý ... [et al.] The Hague : Mouton , 1971
72 Series minor ; nr. 39 Systems of prosodic and paralinguistic features in English / by David Crystal and Randolph Quirk The Hague : Mouton , 1964
73 Series minor ; nr. 40 Mathematical linguistics in the Soviet Union / by Ferenc Papp The Hague : Mouton , 1966
74 Series practica ; no. 41 A study of Japanese syntax / by Kazuko Inoue The Hague : Mouton , 1969
75 Series maior ; 41 Language behavior : a book of readings in communication / compiled by Johnnye Akin ... [et al.] The Hague ; Paris : Mouton , 1970
76 Series maior ; 41 Language behavior : a book of readings in communication / compiled by Johnnye Akin ... [et. al] The Hague ; Paris : Mouton. - New York : Humanities Press , 1970
77 Series minor ; nr. 42 Trends in linguistics / by Milka Ivić ; translated by Muriel Heppell : pbk. - The Hague : Mouton , 1965
78 series maior ; 42 Phonétique générale et romane : études en allemand, anglais, espagnol et français / par Bertil Malmberg The Hague ; Paris : Mouton , 1971
79 Series minor ; nr. 43 The rate of linguistic change : limits of the application of mathematical methods in linguistics / by István Fodor The Hague : Mouton , 1965
80 Series maior ; 43 Progress in linguistics : a collection of papers / selected and edited by Manfred Bierwisch and Karl Erich Heidolph The Hague : Mouton , 1970
81 Series minor, Nr. 44 Type crossings : sentential meaninglessness in the border area of linguistics and philosophy / by Theodore Drange The Hague : Mouton , 1966
82 . Series practica ; 45 The meanings of the modals in present-day American English / by Madeline Elizabeth Ehrman The Hague ; Paris : Mouton , 1966
83 Series minor ; nr. 45 Temporal sequence in the perception of speech / by Warren H. Fay The Hague : Mouton , 1966
84 Series maior ; 45 Principles of structural linguistics / by S.K. Šaumjan ; translated from the Russian [by James Miller] The Hague : Mouton , 1971
85 nr. 46 Studies in socio-linguistics / by A. Capell The Hague : Mouton , 1966
86 Series practica ; 46 Morpheme and word in Maori / by Viktor Krupa The Hague : Mouton , 1966
87 Series maior ; v. 46 Conventionalism in logic : a study in the linguistic foundation of logical reasoning / by Carlo Borromeo Giannoni The Hague : Mouton , 1971
88 Series minor, Nr. 47 Language and natural theology / Bowman L. Clarke The Hague : Mouton , 1966
89 Series minor ; nr. 48 Language disturbance and intellectual functioning : a comparison of the performances of hemiplegic patients with aphasia and hemiplegic patients without aphasia in non-verbal tasks of intellectual functioning / by Carl Kenneth Lubin The Hague ; Paris : Mouton , 1969
90 Series maior ; 48 Idiom structure in English / [by] Adam Makkai The Hague : Mouton , 1972
91 Series minor ; nr. 49 A theory of structural semantics / by Samuel Abraham and Ferenc Kiefer The Hague ; Paris : Mouton , 1966
92 series maior, 49 Studies by Einar Haugen : presented on the occasion of his 65th birthday, April 19, 1971 / ed. by Evelyn Scherabon Firchow, Kaaren Grimstad, Nils Hasselmo and Wayne A. O'Neil The Hague : Mouton , 1972
93 Series practica ; 50 Comparative Tacanan phonology : with Cavineña phonology and notes on Pano-Tacanan relationship / by Ritchie Key The Hague : Mouton , 1968
94 Series minor ; nr. 50 Phonotactic grammaticality / by Robert J. Scholes The Hague : Mouton , 1966
95 Series minor ; nr. 51 The structural basis of word association behavior / by Howard R. Pollio The Hague : Mouton , 1966
96 . Series practica ; 52 A tagmemic analysis of Mexican Spanish clauses / by Ruth Margaret Brend The Hague ; Paris : Mouton , 1968
97 Series minor ; nr. 52 Towards a general comparative linguistics / by Jeffrey Ellis The Hague : Mouton , 1966
98 Ser. maior ; 52 Studies in linguistics : in honor of George L. Trager / edited by M. Estellie Smith Hague : Mouton , 1972
99 Series maior ; 53 Degree words / by Dwight Bolinger The Hague : Mouton , 1972
100 series maior, v. 54 Papers in linguistics and phonetics to the memory of Pierre Delattre / edited by Albert Valdman ; ed. committee Simon Belasco ... [et al.] The Hague : Mouton , c1972
101 Series minor ; nr. 54 Investigating linguistic acceptability / by Randolph Quirk and Jan Svartvik The Hague : Mouton , 1966
102 Series maior ; 55 Selected writings : to commemorate the 60th birthday of Kenneth Lee Pike / edited by Ruth M. Brend The Hague : Mouton , 1972
103 Series minor ; nr. 55 Selected writings of Gyula Laziczius / edited, with an introduction, by Thomas A. Sebeok The Hague : Mouton , 1966
104 Series practica, v. 56 A transformational analysis of modern colloquial Japanese / [by] John J. Chew The Hague : Mouton , 1973
105 Series maior ; 56 The realization of the verbal composition of speech by preschool children / by Sofʹja Nikolaevna Karpova ; with a foreword for the English edition by A.R. Luria The Hague : Mouton , 1977
106 Series minor ; 56 Topics in the theory of generative grammar / by Noam Chomsky The Hague : Mouton , 1966
107 Series maior, 57 Proceedings of the seventh international congress of phonetic sciences / edited by André Rigault and René Charbonneau The Hague : Mouton , 1972
108 Series minor ; nr. 57 The prehistory of languages / by Mary R. Haas The Hague : Mouton , 1969
109 Series minor ; nr. 58 Parametric linguistics / by Louis G. Heller and James Macris The Hague ; Paris : Mouton , 1967
110 Series minor ; nr. 59 Language universals : with special reference to feature hierarchies / by Joseph H. Greenberg The Hague : Mouton , 1966
111 Series practica ; 60 National bilingualism in Paraguay / [by] J. Rubin The Hague ; Paris : Mouton , 1968
112 Series maior ; 60 Introduction to psycholinguistics / by Tatiana Slama-Cazacu The Hague : Mouton , 1973
113 Series minor ; nr. 60 Language, mathematics, and linguistics / by Charles F. Hockett The Hague : Mouton , 1967, c1962
114 series maior, 61 Studies in phonetics / Milan Romportl The Hague : Mouton , 1973
115 Series minor, 61 Computational experiments in grammatical classification / by H.T. Carvell and Jan Svartvik The Hague ; Paris : Mouton , 1969
116 Series maior ; 62 The Formal analysis of natural languages : proceedings of the first international conference / edited by Maurice Gross, Morris Halle, Marcel-Paul Schützenberger The Hague : Mouton , 1973
117 Series minor, nr. 62 Principles of structural typology / by B. Uspensky The Hague ; Paris : Mouton , 1968
118 . Series minor ; 63 Grammar and logic / by V.Z. Panfilov The Hague ; Paris : Mouton , 1968
119 . Series practica ; 63 On voice in the English verb / by Jan Svartvik : pbk. - The Hague ; Paris : Mouton , 1966
120 Series minor, nr. 64 Meaning and truth in Wittgenstein's Tractatus / by James C. Morrison The Hague ; Paris : Mouton , 1968
121 . Series maior ; 65 Papers on linguistics and child language : Ruth Hirsch Weir memorial volume / edited by Vladimir Honsa, M. J. Hardman-de-Bautista The Hague : Mouton , c1978
122 Series minor ; nr. 65 Wilhelm von Humboldt's conception of linguistic relativity / by Roger Langham Brown The Hague ; Paris : Mouton , 1967
123 series maior, 66 Linguistique générale et romane : Études en allemand, anglais, espagnol et français / Bertil Malmberg The Hague ; Paris : Mouton , 1973
124 Series minor ; nr. 66 A psycholinguistic study of phonological interference / by Eugène John Brière The Hague ; Paris : Mouton , 1968
125 Series practica ; 67 Vocabulary and syntax of the Old English version in the Paris psalter : a critical commentary / by John Douglas Tinkler The Hague : Mouton , 1971. [1972]
126 series maior, 67 Language of motivation and language of actions / Maria Nowakowska The Hague : Mouton , 1973
127 Series minor ; nr. 67 The linguistic relativity principle and Humboldtian ethnolinguistics : a history and appraisal / by Robert L. Miller The Hague ; Paris : Mouton , 1968
128 series maior, 68 Modelling the phoneme : new trends in East European phonemic theory / by F.H.H. Kortlandt The Hague : Mouton , 1972
129 Series minor ; 68 The theory of syntax in modern linguistics / by Olga Akhmanova and Galina Mikaelʹan ; translated from Russian The Hague ; Paris : Mouton , 1969
130 Series practica ; 69 English speech rhythm and the foreign learner / Corinne Adams The Hague : Mouton , 1979
131 Series minor ; 69 Sentence structure and the reading process / [by] I.M. Schlesinger The Hague ; Paris : Mouton , 1968
132 Series minor ; nr. 70 Set theory and linguistics / by Alejandro Ortiz and Ernesto Zierer The Hague ; Paris : Mouton , 1968
133 Series practica ; 70 Tzeltal numeral classifiers : a study in ethnographic semantics / by Brent Berlin The Hague : Mouton , 1968
134 Series minor ; nr. 71 Communication complexes and their stages : a contribution to a theory of the language stage / by Hans-Heinrich Lieb The Hague ; Paris : Mouton , 1968
135 Series maior ; 71 Outline of a semantic theory of Kernel sentences / Emanuel Vasiliu The Hague : Mouton , 1972
136 . Series minor ; 72 Child language : Aphasia and phonological universals / by Roman Jakobson The Hague ; Paris : Mouton , 1968
137 Series maior ; nr. 73 The state of the art / by Charles F. Hockett The Hague ; Paris : Mouton , 1968
138 . Series maior ; 74 Issues in phonological theory : proceedings / edited by Michael J. Kenstowicz and Charles W. Kisseberth The Hague : Mouton , 1973
139 Series minor ; nr. 74 "Klasse" und Klassifikation in der Sprachwissenschaft / von Alphonse Juilland und Hans-Heinrich Lieb The Hague : Mouton , 1968
140 Series practica ; no. 75 Syntaktische Studien zu den Monseer Fragmenten : ein Beitrag zur Beschreibung der inneren Form des Althochdeutschen / von Helmut R. Plant The Hague : Mouton , 1969
141 series maior, 76 Linguistic studies / by Jan Safarewicz ; [translated by Leon Ter-Oganian] The Hague : Mouton , 1974
142 Series practica ; 76 Automatische syntaktische Analyse / von Ursula Oomen The Hague : Mouton , 1968
143 Series major, 77 Speech errors as linguistic evidence / edited by Victoria A. Fromkin The Hague : Mouton , 1973
144 Series minor ; 77 Ars grammatica : a bibliographic survey, two essays on the grammar of the Latin and Italian subjunctive, and a note on the ablative absolute / by Aldo D. Scaglione The Hague : Mouton , 1970
145 Series minor ; 78 Neuropsychology and neurolinguistics : selected papers / Egon Weigl ; in collaboration with M. Bierwisch ... [et al.] The Hague ; New York : Mouton , c1981
146 Series minor, 79 Subjects and predicables : a study in subject-predicate asymmetry / by John Heintz The Hague : Mouton , 1973
147 Series minor ; 80 Language and rules / by Jon Wheatley The Hague : Mouton , 1970
148 Series maior ; 80 Language communication and the brain : a neuro-psychological study / by Mariusz Maruszewski ; [translated by Grace Wales Shugar] The Hague : Mouton. - Warszawa : PWN-Polish Scientific Publishers , 1975
149 Series minor ; 81 Syllable, word, nexus, cursus / by Ernst Pulgram The Hague : Mouton , 1970
150 Series minor ; nr. 82 The structure of English orthography / by Richard L. Venezky The Hague : Mouton , 1970
151 Series minor ; 83 A contribution to the general theory of comparative linguistics / by Radoslav Katičić The Hague : Mouton , 1970
152 Series maior, 84 The justification of linguistic hypotheses : a study of nondemonstrative inference in transformational grammar / by Rudolf P. Botha ; with the collaboration of Walter K. Winckler The Hague : Mouton , 1973
153 Series minor ; 84 Foundations for an adequate criterion of paraphrase / by Rita Nolan The Hague : Mouton , 1970
154 Series minor ; 85 Carnap on meaning and analyticity / by Richard Butrick, Jr The Hague : Mouton , 1970
155 Series maior ; 85 . Rasmus Rask studies in pragmatic linguistics ; v. 1 Pragmalinguistics : theory and practice / edited by Jacob L. Mey The Hague ; New York : Mouton , c1979
156 Series minor ; nr. 86 Verb-intensifier collocations in English : an experimental approach / Sidney Greenbaum The Hague : Mouton , 1970
157 Series maior ; 86 Temporal variables in speech : studies in honour of Frieda Goldman-Eisler / edited by Hans W. Dechert, Manfred Raupach The Hague ; New York : Mouton , c1980
158 Series maior ; 88 Selected papers in structural linguistics : contributions to English and general linguistics written in the years 1928-1978 / Bohumil Trnka ; VilémFried, editor est.. - Berlin ; New York : Mouton Publishers , 1980
159 Series minor ; 88 Stratificational grammar : a definition and an example / by Geoffrey Sampson The Hague : Mouton , 1970
160 Series minor, 90 Studies in functional logical semiotics of natural language / Jerzy Pelc ; translated from the Polish The Hague : Mouton , 1971
161 Series practica ; 91 A stepmatricial generative phonology of German / by James E. Copeland The Hague : Mouton , 1970
162 Series practica ; 92 Linguistically determined categories of meanings : a comparative analysis of meaning in The snows of Kilimanjaro / by Christopher Rudston Longyear The Hague : Mouton , 1971 [1972]
163 Series maior ; 92 Selected writings in English and general linguistics / by Josef Vachek Prague : Academia, publishing house of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences. - The Hague : Mouton , 1976
164 Series minor ; 93 Logos and eidos : the concept in phenomenology / by Ronald Bruzina The Hague : Mouton , 1970
165 Series practica ; 93 A phonology of Italian in a generative grammar / by Mario Saltarelli The Hague : Mouton , 1970
166 Series maior ; 93 Discussing language / by Herman Parret ; dialogues with Wallace L. Chafe ... [et al.] The Hague : Mouton , 1974
167 Series minor ; 94 The theory of graphs in linguistics / by Ernesto Zierer The Hague ; Paris : Mouton , 1970
168 Series minor ; 95 Markov models and linguistic theory : an experimental study of a model for English / by Frederick J. Damerau The Hague : Mouton , 1971
169 Series minor ; 96 Conversational routine : explorations in standardized communication situations and prepatterned speech / edited by Florian Coulmas The Hague ; New York : Mouton , c1981
170 Series minor ; 96 Rules : a systematic study / by Joan Safran Ganz The Hague : Mouton , 1971
171 Series practica ; 97 Linguistics and philology in Spanish America : a survey (1925-1970) / Yakov Malkiel The Hague : Mouton , 1972
172 Series minor ; 99 Functional load : descriptive limitations, alternatives of assessment and extensions of application / by R.S. Meyerstein The Hague : Mouton , 1970
173 Series minor ; 100 Can there be a private language? : An examination of some principal arguments / by Warren B. Smerud The Hague ; Paris : Mouton , 1970
174 Series maior ; 100 The application and ordering of grammatical rules / edited by Andreas Koutsoudas The Hague : Mouton , 1976
175 Series maior, 102 American structuralism / Dell Hymes and John Fought : pbk. - The Hague ; New York : Mouton , c1981
176 Series practica ; 102 The syntax of Japanese honorifics / by Gary Dean Prideaux The Hague : Mouton , 1970
177 Series minor, 102 Formal logic and linguistics / Ernesto Zierer ; [translated from Spanish by Alun L. W. Rees] The Hague : Mouton , 1972
178 series practica, 104 Article and noun in English / John Hewson The Hague : Mouton , 1972
179 Series maior ; 105 The Spanish of Argentina and Uruguay : an annotated bibliography for 1940-1978 / Jack Emory Davis Berlin ; New York : Mouton , c1982
180 Series minor ; 105 The methodological status of grammatical argumentation / by Rudolf P. Botha The Hague : Mouton , 1970
181 Series minor, 106 Problems of typological and genetic linguistics viewed in a generative framework / by Henrik Birnbaum The Hague : Mouton , 1970
182 Series maior ; 106 Russian and Slavic grammar : studies, 1931-1981 / Roman Jakobson ; edited by Linda R. Waugh and Morris Halle Berlin : Mouton , c1984
183 series minor, 107 Studies on semantics in generative grammar / by Noam Chomsky : pbk. - The Hague : Mouton , 1972
184 Series maior ; 107 Where have all the adjectives gone? and other essays in semantics and syntax / R.M.W. Dixon Berlin ; New York : Mouton , c1982
185 Series minor ; 108 Equational grammar / by Gerald A. Sanders The Hague : Mouton , 1972
186 Series maior ; 108 Narratology : the form and functioning of narrative / Gerald Prince Berlin ; New York : Mouton , c1982
187 Series maior ; 109 Roman Jakobson and beyond : language as a system of signs : the quest for the ultimate invariants in language / Rodney B. Sangster Berlin ; New York : Mouton , c1982
188 Series practica ; 111 Descriptive syntax of the old English charters / by Charles Carlton The Hague : Mouton , 1970
189 Series minor ; 112 Methodological aspects of transformational generative phonology / by Rudolf P. Botha The Hague : Mouton , 1971
190 Series practica ; v. 113 A model of standard German intonation / by Alexander Isačenko, and Hans-Joachim Schädlich ; [translated by John Pheby] The Hague : Mouton , 1970
191 Series minor ; 113 Semantische Relationen im Text und im System / von Erhard Agricola 2., bearb. Aufl. - The Hague : Mouton , 1972
192 Series minor, 115 Beiträge zur Valenztheorie / hrsg. von Gerhard Helbig The Hague : Mouton , 1971
193 Series minor ; 118 Probleme der Sprachwissenschaft : Beiträge zur Linguistik The Hague : Mouton , c1971
194 Series minor, 124 Problems in the construction of a theory of natural language / by Philip Tartaglia The Hague : Mouton , 1972
195 Series practica ; 124 Imperative constructions in old English / by Celia M. Millward The Hague : Mouton , 1971, [1972]
196 Series practica ; 125 English adverbials / by Don Lee Fred Nilsen The Hague : Mouton , 1972
197 Series minor ; 125 The article and the concept of definiteness in language / by Jiri Krámský The Hague : Mouton , 1972
198 Series practica, 126 Structures of modification in contemporary American English / by George A. Hough The Hague : Mouton , 1971, [1972]
199 Series minor, 127 Verbal cues of organizational information in message decoding : an integrative approach to linguistic structure / by Mamud M. Okby The Hague : Mouton , 1972
200 Series minor ; 129 Linguistic structures in scientific texts / by Myrna Gopnik The Hague : Mouton , 1972
201 . Series practica ; 129 The syntax of English phrasal verbs / by Kazimierz A. Sroka The Hague ; Paris : Mouton , 1972
202 Series minor;134 Roman Jakobson : a bibliography of his writings / with a foreword by C. H. van Schooneveld The Hague : Mouton , 1971
203 Series practica ; 134 The Hungarian language / edited by Loránd Benkő and Samu Imre The Hague : Mouton , 1972
204 Series minor ; 136 Theory of the linguistic sign / by J.W.F. Mulder and S.G.J. Hervey The Hague : Mouton , 1972
205 Series practica ; 136 A computer validated Portuguese to English transformational grammar / James Larkin Wyatt The Hague : Mouton , 1972
206 Series minor, 137 Abriss einer funktionellen Semantik / Gábor O. Nagy The Hague ; Paris : Mouton , 1973.
207 Series minor ; 138 Components of the content structure of the word / by N.G. Komlev The Hague : Mouton , 1976
208 Series practica ; 139 The determination of stages in the historical development of the Germanic languages by morphological criteria : an evaluation / by Karen R. Bahnick The Hague : Mouton , 1973
209 Series minor ; 141 Rule-governed linguistic behavior / by Raymond D. Gumb The Hague : Mouton , 1972
210 . Series practica ; 142 Phonétique et phonologie du judéo-espagnol de Bucarest / par Marius Sala The Hague : Mouton , 1971
211 Series practica ; 144 A diachronic phonology from Proto-Germanic to Old English stressing West-Saxon conditions / by Charles Michael Barrack The Hague : Mouton , 1975
212 Series minor ; 146 Cybernetic aspects of language / by W.W. Schuhmacher The Hague : Mouton , 1972
213 Series minor ; 147 Papers on functional sentence perspective / edited by F. Daneš Prague : Academia. - The Hague : Mouton , 1974
214 Series minor ; 150 Probabilistic performance models of language / by Raoul N. Smith The Hague : Mouton , 1973
215 Series minor ; 152 Toward a semantic specification of deep case / by Don Lee Fred Nilsen The Hague : Mouton , 1972
216 Series minor ; 153 A phonological investigation of aphasic speech / by Sheila E. Blumstein. - The Hague : Mouton , 1973
217 Series practica ; 153 A mathematical grammar of English / by George Hemphill The Hague : Mouton , 1973
218 Series minor ; 155 That's that / by Dwight Bolinger The Hague : Mouton , 1972
219 Series minor ; 156 The instrumental case in English : syntactic and semantic considerations / by Don L.F. Nilsen The Hague : Mouton , 1973
220 Series minor, 157 Language and philosophy / by Justus Hartnack The Hague : Mouton , 1972, [1973]
221 Series minor, 158 Information sources in psycholinguistics : An interdisciplinary bibliographical handbook / by Jan Prucha The Hague : Mouton , c1972
222 Series minor ; 162 Problems in applied educational sociolinguistics : readings on language and culture problems of United States ethnic groups / edited by Glenn G. Gilbert and Jacob Ornstein The Hague ; New York : Mouton , c1978
223 Series minor ; 171 Semantic structures for the syntax of complements and auxiliaries in English / James W. Ney : est. - The Hague ; New York : Mouton , c1981
224 Series minor ; 172 Themes in linguistics : the 1970's / edited by Eric P. Hamp The Hague : Mouton , 1973
225 Series practica ; 173 Concerning the deep structures of Spanish reflexive sentences / by Jan Schroten The Hague : Mouton , 1972
226 Series minor, 174 Aufsätze und Vorträge zur Wortfeldtheorie / von Jost Trier ; herausgegeben von Anthony van der Lee und Oskar Reichmenn The Hague : Mouton , 1973
227 series minor, 176 Semantics and syntax in complementation / by Peter Menzel The Hague : Mouton , 1975
228 Series practica, 176 A history of the romance vowel systems through paradigmatic reconstruction / by Thaddeus Ferguson The Hague : Mouton , 1976
229 Series practica, 179 Phonology of old Mandarin / by F.S. Hsueh The Hague : Mouton , 1975
230 Series practica ; 182 The syntax of the old Spanish subjunctive / by Frede Jensen and Thomas A. Lathrop The Hague : Mouton , 1973
231 Series minor ; 186 Targets and syntactic change / by John Haiman The Hague : Mouton , 1974
232 Series practica ; 191 A segmental phonology of black English / by Philip A. Luelsdorff The Hague : Mouton , 1975
233 Series minor ; 192 . Formal grammars in linguistics and psycholinguistics ; v. 1 An introduction to the theory of formal languages and automata / by W.J.M. Levelt ; [Translation, Andrew Barnas] The Hague : Mouton , 1974
234 Series minor ; 192 . Formal grammars in linguistics and psycholinguistics ; v. 2 Applications in linguistic theory / by W.J.M. Levelt; [Translation, Andrew Barnas] The Hague : Mouton , 1974
235 Series minor ; 192 . Formal grammars in linguistics and psycholinguistics ; v. 3 Psycholinguistic applications / by W.J.M. Levelt ; [translation, Andrew Barnas] The Hague : Mouton , 1974
236 Series practica ; 192 The qualifying adjective in Spanish / by Ernesto Zierer ; [translated from Spanish by Elspeth N.W. Allardyce] The Hague : Mouton , 1974
237 Series minor, 193 Evaluation of theories on child grammars / [by] Ton Van Der Geest The Hague : Mouton , 1974
238 Series practica, 194 French reflexive verbs : a case grammar description / by Weber D. Donaldson, Jr The Hague ; Paris : Mouton , 1973
239 Series minor, 195 The acquisition of modal auxiliaries in the language of children / by Diana Major The Hague : Mouton , 1974
240 Series minor ; 197 Functor analysis of natural language / by John Lehrberger The Hague : Mouton , 1974
241 Series practica ; 198 The lexical structure of Spanish / by William Patterson and Hector Urrutibéheity The Hague : Mouton , 1975
242 Series minor, 201 Predication : a study of its development / by Carol Wall The Hague : Mouton , 1974
243 Series practica, 201 Phonological variants and dialect identification in Latin American Spanish / by Melvin C. Resnick The Hague : Mouton , 1975
244 Series minor, 203 Presupposition / by David E. Cooper The Hague ; Paris : Mouton , 1974
245 Series practica ; 203 English aspectual verbs / by Frederick J. Newmeyer The Hague : Mouton , 1975
246 Series practica, 204 The morphology of the modern French verb / by Michael H. Gertner The Hague : Mouton , 1973
247 series minor ; 206 Meaning and negation / by Steven Bradley Smith The Hague : Mouton , 1974
248 Series practica, 207 Diachronic studies in romance linguistics : papers presented at the Conference on Diachronic Romance Linguistics, University of Illinois, April 1972 / edited by Mario Saltarelli and Dieter Wanner The Hague : Mouton , 1975
249 Series practica, 208 A functional analysis of present day English on a general linguistic basis / Vilém Mathesius ; edited by Josef Vachek The Hague : Mouton , 1975
250 Series minor ; 211 English verb inflection : a generative view / by Silas Griggs and Curt M. Rulon The Hague : Mouton , 1974
251 Series minor, 215 Tense and tense logic / by John E. Clifford The Hague : Mouton , 1975
252 Series practica ; 220 The syntax of the old French subjunctive / [by] Frede Jensen The Hague : Mouton , 1974
253 Series practica ; 223 Case grammar and diachronic English syntax / by Dennis E. Baron The Hague : Mouton , 1974
254 Series practica ; 226 Questions and answers in English / by Emily Norwood Pope The Hague : Mouton , 1976
255 Series minor ; 231 Strukturelemente der deutschen Gegenwartshochsprache : Phone und Phonaden / von Bruno F.O. Hildebrandt The Hague : Mouton , 1976
256 Series practica, 232 Bibliographie de phonologie romane / Maria Grossmann, Bruno Mazzoni The Hague : Mouton , 1974
257 . Series practica ; 242 Linguistic evidence for the priority of the French text of the Ancrene wisse : based on the Corpus Christi College Cambridge 402 and the British Museum Cotton Vitellius F VII versions of the Ancrene wisse / by Berta Grattan Lee The Hague : Mouton , 1974


別書名 異なりアクセスタイトル:Janua linguarum : studia memoriae Nicolai van Wijk dedicata
一般注記 Edenda curat Cornelis H. van Schooneveld
NCID:AA00249106 -- Ser. Maior
NCID:AA00249117 -- Ser. Minor
NCID:AA00249128 -- Ser. Practica
著者標目 Schooneveld, C. H. van
NCID BA00214143
