
Collected studies series

データ種別 図書
出版情報 London : Variorum Reprints
本文言語 und


1 M4 Les Hospitaliers à Rhodes, 1310-1421 / J. Delaville Le Roulx [1st ed. reprinted]. - London : Variorum Reprints , 1974
2 B13 Arsenij i Arsenity / I. E. Troitskij ; with an introd. by John Meyendorff London : Variorum Reprints , 1973
3 CS30 Martyrs grecs IIe-VIIIe s. / François Halkin London : Variorum Reprints , 1974
4 CS33 Etudes de droit byzantin / Henry Monnier ; introduction de N. Svoronos London : Variorum Reprints , 1974
5 CS38 The church and the law in the earlier Middle Ages : selected essays / Walter Ullmann London : Variorum Reprints , 1975
6 CS44 The papacy and political ideas in the Middle Ages / Walter Ullmann London : Variorum Reprints , 1976
7 CS45 Religion popular and unpopular in the early Christian centuries / W.H.C. Frend London : Variorum Reprints , 1976
8 CS49 Orient et Occident au Moyen Age : contacts et relations (XIIe - XVe /s.) / Jean Richard London : Variorum Reprints , 1976
9 CS69 Les relations entre l'Orient et l'Occident au Moyen Âge : études et documents / Jean Richard ; préface de Jean Glénisson London : Variorum Reprints , 1977
10 CS70 Juifs et chrétiens : patristique et Moyen Âge / Bernhard Blumenkranz London : Variorum reprints , 1977
11 CS74 Studies on the Levantine trade in the Middle Ages / Eliyahu Ashtor London : Variorum Reprints , 1978
12 CS78 Studies of West European medieval institutions / Bryce Lyon London : Variorum Reprints , 1978
13 CS 98 Later medieval numismatics (11th-16th centuries) : selected studies / Philip Grierson London : Variorium Reprints, 1979
14 Histoire du haut moyen âge et de l'Italie médiévale / Pierre Toubert London : Variorum Reprints , 1987
15 CS101 Société et économie à Gênes, XIVe-XVe siècles / Jacques Heers London : Variorum Reprints , 1979
16 Muslim intellectual and social history : a collection of essays / Franz Rosenthal Aldershot, Hampshire : Variorum , c1990
17 CS103 Studies in medieval physics and mathematics / Marshall Clagett London : Variorum Reprints , 1979
18 CS106 Communautés syriaques en Iran et Irak des origines à 1552 / Jean Maurice Fiey London : Variorum Reprints , 1979
19 CS109 Cluniac studies / Giles Constable London : Variorum Reprints , 1980
20 CS111 La formation du droit canonique médiéval / Jean Gaudemet London : Variorum Reprints , 1980
21 CS113 The history of ideas and doctrines of canon law in the Middle Ages / Stephan Kuttner London : Variorum Reprints , 1980
22 CS114 Medieval diplomacy and the Fourth Crusade / Donald E. Queller London : Variorum Reprints , 1980
23 CS124 Studies in medieval Spanish frontier history / Charles Julian Bishko London : Variorum Reprints , 1980
24 CS126 Medieval councils, decretals, and collections of canon law : selected essays / Stephan Kuttner London : Variorum Reprints , 1980
25 CS131 La vie religieuse à Byzance / Jean Gouillard London : Variorum Reprints , 1981
26 CS135 Pastoral care, clerical education and canon law, 1200-1400 / Leonard E. Boyle London : Variorum Reprints , 1981
27 CS139 Instruction et vie religieuse dans le Haut Moyen Âge / Pierre Riché London : Variorum Reprints , 1981
28 CS141 Studies in Byzantine political history : sources and controversies / Patricia Karlin-Hayter London : Variorum Reprints , 1981
29 CS142 Studies in Medieval science and natural philosophy / Edward Grant London : Variorum Reprints , 1981
30 CS146 Studies in Renaissance philosophy and science / Charles B. Schmitt London : Variorum Reprints , 1981
31 CS159 Droit ancien et structures ecclésiales / Yves Congar London : Variorum Reprints , 1982
32 CS161 Histoire monastique en France au XIIe siècle : les institutions monastiques et leur évolution / Jacques Dubois London : Variorum Reprints , 1982
33 CS168 Etudes d'ecclésiologie médiévale / Yves Congar London : Variorum Reprints , 1983
34 CS169 From Augustine to Gregory the Great : history and Christianity in late antiquity / R.A. Markus London : Variorum Reprints , 1983
35 CS186 Studies in the history of medieval optics / David C. Lindberg London : Variorum Reprints , 1983
36 CS188 Spanish and Portuguese monastic history, 600-1300 / Charles Julian Bishko London : Variorum Reprints, 1984
37 CS190 Thomas d'Aquin : sa vision de théologie et de l'Église / Yves Congar London : Variorum Reprints , 1984, c1983
38 CS194 From Lisbon to Goa, 1500-1750 : studies in Portuguese maritime enterprise / C.R. Boxer London : Variorum Reprints , 1984
39 CS198 East of Antioch : studies in early Syriac Christianity / Han J.W. Drijvers London : Variorum Reprints , 1984
40 CS200 History and culture in the medieval Muslim world / S.M. Stern London : Variorum Reprints , 1984
41 CS207 Early Christianity and the Roman Empire / T.D. Barnes London : Variorum Reprints , 1984
42 CS209 Literature and society in the early Byzantine world / Alan Cameron London : Variorum Reprints , 1985
43 CS212 Music, spirit, and language in the Renaissance / D.P. Walker ; edited by Penelope Gouk London : Variorum Reprints , 1985
44 CS215 Theory and observation in ancient and medieval astronomy / Bernard R. Goldstein London : Variorum Reprints , 1985
45 CS221 Platonism and its Christian heritage / John M. Rist London : Variorum Reprints , 1985
46 CS222 La femme et l'enfant dans le droit canonique médiéval / René Metz London : Variorum Reprints , 1985
47 CS227 Studies in post-medieval semantics / E.J. Ashworth London : Variorum Reprints , 1985
48 CS 232 Portuguese merchants and missionaries in feudal Japan, 1543-1640 / C.R. Boxer London : Variorum , c1986
49 CS233 De la philosophie ancienne à la théologie patristique / Jean Pépin London : Variorum Reprints , 1986
50 CS235 From Paracelsus to Van Helmont : studies in Renaissance medicine and science / Walter Pagel ; edited by Marianne Winder London : Variorum Reprints , 1986
51 CS236 Le droit savant au moyen âge et sa vulgarisation / Robert Feenstra London : Variorum Reprints , 1986
52 CS237 Jesuit and Friar in the Spanish expansion to the East / J.S. Cummins London : Variorum Reprints , 1986
53 CS249 Chemistry, alchemy and the new philosophy, 1550-1700 : studies in the history of science and medicine / Allen G. Debus London : Variorum Reprints , 1987
54 CS250 Italy, Sicily and the Mediterranean, 1100-1400 / David Abulafia London : Variorum Reprints, 1987
55 CS253 Islamic astronomical instruments / David A. King London : Variorum Reprints , 1987
56 CS254 Studies in Venetian social and economic history / Frederic C. Lane ; edited by Benjamin G. Kohl and Reinhold C. Mueller London : Variorum Reprints , 1987
57 CS258 Church and society in Ireland, A.D. 400-1200 / Kathleen Hughes ; edited by David Dumville London : Variorum Reprints , 1987
58 Commerce, shipping and naval warfare in the medieval Mediterranean / John H. Pryor London : Variorum , 1987
59 CS260 L'Asie du Sud à l'époque des grandes découvertes / Geneviève Bouchon London : Variorum Reprints , 1987
60 CS263 Ireland and the culture of early Medieval Europe / Ludwig Bieler ; edited by Richard Sharpe London : Variorum Reprints , 1987
61 CS264 Etudes sur la diffusion des doctrines juridiques médiévales / André Gouron London : Variorum Reprints , 1987
62 CS266 Enforcing morality in early modern Europe / E. William Monter London : Variorum Reprints , 1987
63 CS270 Byzantium and the Semitic Orient before the rise of Islam / Irfan Shahîd London : Variorum Reprints , 1988
64 CS272 Lies, language and logic in the late Middle Ages / Paul Vincent Spade London : Variorum Reprints , 1988
65 CS287 Érasme : sa pensée et son comportement / Léon-E. Halkin London : Variorum Reprints , 1988
66 CS302 Through language to reality : studies in medieval semantics and metaphysics / L.M. de Rijk ; edited by E.P. Bos London : Variorum Reprints , 1989
67 CS308 Sur Gratien et les Décrétales / Adam Vetulani ; recueil d'études édité par Wacław Uruszczak ; préface d'André Gouron Aldershot, Hampshire : Variorum , c1990
68 CS314 Les hérésies et l'Inquisition, XIIe-XIIIe siècles : documents et études / Antoine Dondaine ; édité par Yves Dossat Aldershot : Variorum , c1990
69 CS320 Les fins dernières selon Origène / Henri Crouzel : est.. - Aldershot, Hampshire : Variorum , c1990
70 CS322 Greek philosophy in the Arab world : a collection of essays / Franz Rosenthal Aldershot ; Brookfield, Vt. : Variorum , c1990
71 CS325 Studies in the history of medieval canon law / Stephan Kuttner Aldershot, Hampshire, Great Britain : Variorum. - Brookfield, Vt., USA : Gower , c1990
72 CS 341 Autorité épiscopale et sollicitude pastorale : IIe-VIe siècles / Charles Munier Aldershot, Hampshire, Great Britain : Variorum. - Brookfield, Vt., USA : Gower , c1991
73 CS342 Heresy and orthodoxy in the early church / Henry Chadwick Aldershot : Variorum. - Brookfield, Vt. : Gower , c1991
74 CS347 Religion, law, and learning in Classical Islam / George Makdisi Aldershot, Hampshire, Great Britain ; Brookfield, Vt., USA : Variorum , 1991
75 CS352 Latin and vernacular poets of the Middle Ages / Peter Dronke Aldershot, Hampshire, Great Britain : Variorum. - Brookfield, Vt., USA : Gower Pub. Co. , c1991
76 CS353 Arius and Athanasius : two Alexandrian theologians / Charles Kannengiesser Aldershot, Hampshire, Great Britain : Variorum. - Brookfield, Vermont, USA : Gower , c1991
77 CS356 Law, culture, and regionalism in early medieval Spain / Roger Collins Aldershot, Hampshire, Great Britain : Variorum. - Brookfield, Vt. : Gower Pub. Co. , c1992
78 CS361 Signs and wonders : saints, miracles, and prayer from the 4th century to the 14th / Benedicta Ward [Aldershot], Hampshire : Variorum. - Brookfield, Vt. : Ashgate Pub. Co. , c1992
79 CS362 Commerce méditerranéen et banquiers italiens au Moyen Age / Robert-Henri Bautier Hampshire ; Vermont : Variorum , 1992
80 CS363 Carolingian learning, masters and manuscripts / John J. Contreni Hampshire, Great Britain : Variorum. - Brookfield, Vt., USA : Ashgate Pub. Co. , c1992
81 CS364 Religious and ethnic movements in medieval Islam / Wilferd Madelung [Aldershot] : Variorum , c1992
82 CS371 Monetary change and economic history in the medieval Muslim world / Andrew S. Ehrenkreutz ; edited by Jere L. Bacharach Hampshire : Variorum , c1992
83 CS376 War and society in Habsburg Spain / I.A.A. Thompson est.. - Aldershot, Hamps., Great Britain ; Brookfield, Vt., USA : Variorum , c1992
84 CS377 Vie chrétienne et culture dans l'Espagne du VIIe au Xe siècles / Manuel C. Díaz y Díaz Aldershot, Hampshire, Great Britain ; Brookfield, Vt., USA : Variorum , c1992
85 CS388 Optique et mathématiques : recherches sur l'histoire de la pensée scientifique en arabe / Roshdi Rashed Aldershot, Hampshire : Variorum. - Brookfield, VT : Ashgate Pub. Co. , c1992
86 CS393 The dimension of music in Islamic and Jewish culture / Amnon Shiloah Aldershot, Hampshire : Variorum , c1993
87 CS397 Sex, law, and marriage in the Middle Ages / James A. Brundage Aldershot, Hampshire, Great Britain : Variorum , c1993
88 CS399 'Artes' and Bible in the medieval West / Margaret Gibson Aldershot, Hampshire, Great Britain ; Brookfield, Vt. : Variorum , c1993
89 CS406 Canon law in the age of reform, 11th-12th centuries / John Gilchrist : cloth. - Aldershot : Variorum. - Brookfield : Ashgate , c1993
90 CS412 Popes, canonists and texts, 1150-1550 / Kenneth Pennington Aldershot, Great Britain : Variorum , c1993
91 CS425 Studies on the history of papermaking in Britain / Alfred H. Shorter ; edited by Richard L. Hills Aldershot : Variorum , c1993
92 CS444 Optics, astronomy, and logic : studies in Arabic science and philosophy / A.I. Sabra Aldershot : Variorum , 1994
93 CS497 Rulers, Nomads, and Christians in Roman North Africa / Brent D. Shaw Aldershot, Hampshire ; Brookfield, Vt. : Variorum , 1995
94 CS557 Magic and divination in the Middle Ages : texts and techniques in the Islamic and Christian worlds / Charles Burnett Aldershot ; Brookfield, Vt. : Variorum , 1996
95 CS656 Crusaders, Cathars, and the holy places / Bernard Hamilton : hbk., alk. paper. - Aldershot [England] ; Brookfield, Vt. : Ashgate , c1999
96 CS695 Religious enthusiasm in the Medieval West : revivals, crusades, saints / Gary Dickson Aldershot : Ashgate : Variorum , c2000
97 CS797 The profession and practice of medieval canon law / James A. Brundage Aldershot : Ashgate/Variorum , c2004
98 CS827 Latin rhetoric and education in the Middle Ages and Renaissance / James J. Murphy Aldershot, Hampshire GU : Ashgate/Variorum , c2005
99 907 Studies in the transmission of Wyclif's writings / Anne Hudson Aldershot : Ashgate/Variorum , c2008
100 CS949 Greeks, Latins, and the church in early Frankish Cyprus / Christopher D. Schabel : hbk. - Farnham ; Burlington, VT : Ashgate , 2010
101 CS960 Rhetoric and philosophy from Greek into Syriac / John W. Watt Farnham : Ashgate/Variorum , c2010
102 CS997 Astrology and magic from the medieval Latin and Islamic world to Renaissance Europe : theories and approaches / Paola Zambelli Farnham, England : Ashgate Variorum , c2012
103 CS1044 Heresy and Hussites in late medieval Europe / Thomas A. Fudge Farnham : Ashgate Variorum , c2014


別書名 異なりアクセスタイトル:Collected studies
異なりアクセスタイトル:Variorum reprint
異なりアクセスタイトル:Variorum collected studies series
一般注記 Title at publisher's listing: Variorum collected studies series
Publisher varies: Aldershot : Variorum : Ashgate Variorum
NCID BA0041195X