
Smithsonian contributions to zoology

データ種別 図書
出版情報 Washington, D.C. : Smithsonian Institution Press
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1 no. 359 Epipelagic Amphipods of the family Hyperiidae from the International Indian Ocean Expedition, 1959-1965 / Thomas E. Bowman and Maura McManus McGuinness City of Washington : Smithsonian Institution Press , 1982
2 no. 400 Systematics of the Neotropical characiform genus Potamorhina (Pisces, Characiformes) / Richard P. Vari City of Washington : Smithsonian Institution Press , 1984
3 no. 402 Variation, systematics, and zoogeography of Eleutherodactylus guentheri and closely related species (Amphibia, Anura, Leptodactylidae) / W. Ronald Heyer Washington, D.C. : Smithsonian Institution Press , 1984
4 no. 423 Wallengrenia otho and W. egeremet in eastern North America (Lepidoptera, Hesperiidae, Hesperiinae) / John M. Burns City of Washington : Smithsonian Institution Press , 1985
5 no. 477 The avifauna of the cayerias of southern Cuba, with the ornithological results of the Paul Bartsch Expedition of 1930 / Donald W. Buden and Storrs L. Olson Washington, D.C. : Smithsonian Institution Press , 1989
6 no. 478 Generic revision of the Opostegidae, with a synoptic catalog of the world's species (Lepidoptera:Nepticuloidea) / Donald R. Davis Washington, D.C. : Smithsonian Institution Press , 1989
7 no. 479 A revision of the neotropical aquatic beetle genus Stenhelmoides (Coleoptera:Elmidae) / Paul J. Spangler and Philip D. Perkins Washington, D.C. : Smithsonian Institution Press , 1989
8 no. 480 An illustrated checklist of the American crayfishes (Decapoda: Astacidae, Cambaridae, and Parastacidae) / Horton H. Hobbs, Jr Washington, D.C. : Smithsonian Institution Press , 1989
9 no. 485 Morphology of Luvarus imperialis (Luvaridae), with a phylogenetic analysis of the Acanthuroidei (Pisces) / James C. Tyler ... [et al.] Washington, D.C. : Smithsonian Institution Press , 1989
10 no. 488 Living and fossil genera of the Clypeasteroida (Echinoidea, Echinodermata) : an illustrated key and annotated checklist / Rich Mooi Washington, D.C. : Smithsonian Institution Press , 1989
11 no. 489 Species of the parasitic Isopod genera Ceratothoa and Glossobius (Crustacea: Cymothoidae) from the mouths of flying fishes and halfbeaks (Beloniformes) / Niel L. Bruce and Thomas E. Bowman Washington, D.C. : Smithsonian Institution Press , 1989
12 no. 491 Social, sexual, and pseudosexual behavior of the blue-bellied roller, Coracias cyanogaster : the consequences of crowding or concentration / Martin Moynihan Washington, D.C. : Smithsonian Insitution Press , 1990
13 no. 492 Phylogenetic relationships and revision of the blenniid fish genus Scartichthys / Jeffrey T. Williams Washington, D.C. : Smithsonian Institution Press , 1990
14 no. 496 Ontogeny and homology in the male palpus of orb-weaving spiders and their relatives, with comments on phylogeny (Araneoclada: Araneoidea, Deinopoidea) / Jonathan A. Coddington Washington, D.C. : Smithsonian Institution Press , 1990
15 no. 499 Lysianassoid amphipoda (Crustacea) from deep-sea thermal vents / J.L. Barnard and Camilla Ingram Washington, D.C. : Smithsonian Institution Press , 1990
16 no. 500 Zelinkaderidae, a new family of cyclorhagid Kinorhyncha / Robert P. Higgins Washington, D.C. : Smithsonian Institution Press , 1990
17 no. 501 The ground-beetles of Central America (Carabidae) / Terry L. Erwin pt. 2. - Washington, D.C. : Smithsonian Institution Press , <1991- >
18 no. 502 A revision of the neotropical aquatic beetle genus Stegoelmis (Coleoptera:Elmidae) / Paul J. Spangler Washington, D.C. : Smithsonian Institution Press , 1990
19 no. 503 Decapod and stomatopod Crustacea from Ascension Island, South Atlantic Ocean / Raymond B. Manning and Fenner A. Chace, Jr Washington, D.C. : Smithsonian Institution Press , 1990
20 no. 505 Myodocopid Ostracoda of Enewetak and Bikini atolls / Louis S. Kornicker Washington, D.C. : Smithsonian Institution Press , 1991
21 no. 507 Systematics of the neotropical characiform genus Steindachnerina Fowler (Pisces: Ostariophysi) / Richard P. Vari Washington, D.C. : Smithsonian Institution Press , 1991
22 no. 508 Studies on fossil and extant vertebrates from San Salvador (Watling's) Island, Bahamas / Storrs L. Olson, Gregory K. Pregill, and William B. Hilgartner Washington, D.C. : Smithsonian Institution Press , 1990
23 no. 509 A revision of the North American freshwater snail genus Fontigens (Prosobranchia, Hydrobiidae) / Robert Hershler, John R. Holsinger, and Leslie Hubricht Washington, D.C. : Smithsonian Institution Press , 1990
24 no. 510 Monograph of the genus Cerithium Bruguiere in the Indo-Pacific (Cerithiidae: Prosobranchia) / Richard S. Houbrick Washington, D.C. : Smithsonian Institution Press , 1992
25 no. 513 "Larval" and juvenile cephalopods : a manual for their identification / Michael J. Sweeney ... [et al.], editors Washington, D.C. : Smithsonian Institution Press , 1992
26 no. 515,552 Biosystematic studies of Ceylonese wasps / Karl V. Krombein pt.19 - 21. - Washington : Smithsonian Institution Press , <1978-1994 >
27 no. 523 A review of the genus Eunice (Polychaeta, Eunicidae) based upon type material / Kristian Fauchald Washington, D.C. : Smithsonian Institution Press , 1992
28 no. 524 Biology and systematics of Greya Busck and Tetragma, new genus (Lepidoptera, Proioxidae) / Donald R. Davis, Olle Pellmyr, and John N. Thompson Washington, D.C. : Smithsonian Institution Press , 1992
29 no. 525 . Catalog of type specimens of recent fishes in the National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution ; 3 Beloniformes (Teleostei) / Bruce B. Collette, N.V. Parin, and Martha S. Nizinski Washington, D.C. : Smithsonian Institution Press , 1992
30 no. 526 Pycnogonida of the Southeast Pacific Biological Oceanographic Project (SEPBOP) / C. Allan Child Washington, D.C. : Smithsonian Institution Press , 1992
31 no. 527 A review of the Grapsid crab genus Sesarma (Crustacea: Decapoda: Grapsidae) in America, with the description of a new genus / Lawrence G. Abele Washington, D.C. : Smithsonian Institution Press , 1992
32 no. 528 The aquatic beetle subfamily Larainae (Coleoptera:Elmidae) in Mexico, Central America, and the West Indies / Paul J. Spangler and Silvia Santiago-Fragoso Washington, D.C. : Smithsonian Institution Press , 1992
33 no. 529 Systematics of the Neotropical characiform genus Cyphocharax Fowler (Pisces: Ostariophysi) / Richard P. Vari Washington, D.C. : Smithsonian Institution Press , 1992
34 no. 530 Ostracoda (Halocypridina, Cladocopina) from anchialine caves in Jamaica, West Indies / Louis S. Kornicker and Thomas M. Iliffe Washington, D.C. : Smithsonian Institution Press , 1992
35 no. 531 Myodocopid Ostracoda of the Benthédi Expedition, 1977, to the NE Mozambique Channel, Indian Ocean / Louis S. Kornicker Washington, D.C. : Smithsonian Institution Press , 1992
36 no. 532 Contribution to the polychaete family Pholoidae Kinberg / Marian H. Pettibone Washington, D.C. : Smithsonian Institution Press , 1992
37 no. 533 Systematics of the neotropical characiform genus Curimatella Eigenmann and Eigenmann (Pisces:Ostariophysi), with summary comments on the Curimatidae / Richard P. Vari Washington, D.C. : Smithsonian Institution Press , 1992
38 no. 534 The mating behavior of Iguana iguana / Gordon H. Rodda Washington, D.C. : Smithsonian Institution Press , 1992
39 no. 535 . Catalog of type specimens of recent fishes in the National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution ; 4 Gonorynchiformes, Gymnotiformes, and Siluriformes (Teleostei: Ostariophysi) / Carl J. Ferraris, Jr., and Richard P. Vari Washington, D.C. : Smithsonian Institution Press , 1992
40 no. 536 World catalog of the beach-fly family Canacidae (Diptera) / Wayne N. Mathis Washington, D.C. : Smithsonian Institution Press , 1992
41 no. 537 Philippine brittlestars (Echinodermata: Ophiuroidea) described by R. Koehler (1922) : a corrected and annotated list of type specimens / Cynthia Ahearn Washington, D.C. : Smithsonian Institution Press , 1992
42 no. 538 Scaled polychaetes (Polynoidae) associated with ophiuroids and other invertebrates and review of species referred to Malmgrenia McIntosh and replaced by Malmgreniella Hartman, with descriptions of new taxa / Marian H. Pettibone Washington, D.C. : Smithsonian Institution Press , 1993
43 no. 539 Investigations into the phylogeny of the Lycosoid spiders and their kin (Arachnida: Araneae, Lycosoidea) / Charles E. Griswold Washington, D.C. : Smithsonian Institution Press , 1993
44 no. 540 . Catalog of type specimens of recent fishes in the National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution ; 5 Sharks (Chondrichthyes: Selachii) / Jeffrey C. Howe and Victor G. Springer Washington, D.C. : Smithsonian Institution Press , 1993
45 no. 541 . Studies of Gymnomyzinae (Diptera, Ephydridae) ; 4 A revision of the shore-fly genus Hecamede haliday / Wayne N. Mathis Washington, D.C. : Smithsonian Institution Press , 1993
46 no. 542 Metabolic adaptation to climate and distribution of the raccoon Procyon lotor and other Procyonidae / John N. Mugaas, John Seidensticker, and Kathleen P. Mahlke-Johnson Washington, D.C. : Smithsonian Institution Press , 1993
47 no. 543 . The Caridean Shrimps (Crustacea: Decapoda) of the Albatross Philippine Expedition, 1907-1910 / Fenner A. Chace, Jr. ; pt. 6 Superfamily Palaemonoidea / Fenner A. Chace, Jr. and A. J. Bruce City of Washington : Smithsonian Institution Press , 1993
48 no. 544 Mud shrimps, Upogebiidae, from the western Atlantic (Crustacea:Decapoda:Thalassinidea) / Austin B. Williams Washington, D.C. : Smithsonian Institution Press , 1993
49 no. 545 Revision of some species referred to Antinoe, Antinoella, Antinoana, Bylgides, and Harmothoe (Polychaeta: Polynoidae: Harmothoinae) / Marian H. Pettibone Washington, D.C. : Smithsonian Insitution Press , 1993
50 no. 546 Variation within the Leptodactylus podicipinus-wagneri complex of frogs (Amphibia:Leptodactylidae) / W. Ronald Heyer Washington, D.C. : Smithsonian Institution Press , 1993
51 no. 547 The prosobranch snail family Hydrobiidae (Gastropoda: Rissooidea) : review of classification and supraspecific taxa / Alan R. Kabat and Robert Hershler Washington, D.C. : Smithsonian Institution Press , 1993
52 no. 548 Studies of Gymnomyzinae (Diptera: Ephydridae), V : a revision of the shore-fly genus Mosillus Latreille / Wayne N. Mathis, Tadeusz Zatwarnicki, and Marina G. Krivosheina Washington, D.C. : Smithsonian Institution Press , 1993
53 no. 549 A revision and cladistic analysis of the spider family Pimoidae (Araneoidea:Araneae) / Gustavo Hormiga Washington, D.C. : Smithsonian Institution Press , 1994
54 no. 550 Biosystematics of the Nymphomyiidae (Insecta: Diptera) : life history, morphology, and phylogenetic relationships / Gregory W. Courtney Washington, D.C. : Smithsonian Institution Press , 1994
55 no. 551 Systematics of the trans-Andean species of Creagrutus (Ostariophysi : Characi formes : Characidae) / Antony S. Harold and Richard P. Vari Washington, D.C. : Smithsonian Institution Press , 1994
56 no. 553,562,573 Ostracoda (Myodocopina) of the SE Australian continental slope / Louis S. Kornicker pt. 1 - pt. 3. - Washington, D.C. : Smithsonian Institution Press , 1994
57 no. 554 A review of the North American freshwater snail genus Pyrgulopsis (Hydrobiidae) / Robert Hershler Washington, D.C. : Smithsonian Institution Press , 1994
58 no. 555 The functional morphology of male cerci and associated characters in 13 species of tropical earwigs (Dermaptera:Forficulidae, Labiidae, Carcinophoridae, Pygidicranidae) / R. Daniel Briceño and William G. Eberhard Washington, D.C. : Smithsonian Institution Press , 1995
59 no. 556 Deep-sea Pycnogonida from the temperate west coast of the United States / C. Allan Child Washington, D.C. : Smithsonian Institution Press , 1994
60 no. 556 . Catalog of type specimens of recent fishes in the National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution ; 6 Anguilliformes, Saccopharyngiformes, and Notacanthiformes (Teleostei: Elopomorpha) / David G. Smith Washington, D.C. : Smithsonian Institution Press , 1994
61 no. 557 Scleractinia of the temperate North Pacific / Stephen D. Cairns Washington, D.C. : Smithsonian Institution Press , 1994
62 no. 558 Review of Stathmonotus, with redefinition and phylogenetic analysis of the Chaenopsidae (Teleostei: Blennioidei) / Philip A. Hastings and Victor G. Springer Washington, D.C. : Smithsonian Institution Press , 1994
63 no. 559 The intermuscular bones and ligaments of teleostean fishes / Colin Patterson and G. David Johnson Washington, D.C. : Smithsonian Institution Press , 1995
64 no. 560 An annotated catalog of primary types of Siphonaptera in the National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution / Nancy E. Adams and Robert E. Lewis Washington, D.C. : Smithsonian Institution Press , 1995
65 no. 561 Catalog of type specimens in the International Protozoan Type Collection / Linda Cole Washington, D.C. : Smithsonian Institution Press , 1994
66 no. 563 A revision of New World Cyamops Melander (Diptera: Periscelididae) / Alessandra R. Baptista and Wayne N. Mathis Washington, D.C. : Smithsonian Institution Press , 1994
67 no. 564 The neotropical fish family Ctenoluciidae (Teleostei:Ostariophysi:Characiformes) : supra and intrafamilial phylogenetic relationships, with a revisionary study / Richard P. Vari Washington, D.C. : Smithsonian Institution Press , 1995
68 no. 565 The Indo-West Pacific blenniid fish genus Istiblennius reappraised : a revision of Istiblennius, Blenniella, and Paralticus, new genus / Victor G. Springer and Jeffrey T. Williams Washington, D.C. : Smithsonian Institution Press , 1995
69 no. 567 . Studies of Gymnomyzinae (Diptera, Ephydridae) ; 6 A revision of the genus Glenanthe Haliday from the New World / Wayne N. Mathis Washington, D.C. : Smithsonian Institution Press , 1995
70 no. 568 Ostracoda (Halocypridina, Cladocopina) from an anchialine lava tube in Lanzarote, Canary Islands / Louis S. Kornicker and Thomas M. Iliffe Washington, D.C. : Smithsonian Institution Press , 1995
71 no. 569 Pycnogonida of the western Pacific Islands, XI : collections from the Aleutians and other Bering Sea islands, Alaska / C. Allan Child Washington, D.C. : Smithsonian Institution Press , 1995
72 no. 570 A review of the hermit crabs of the genus Xylopagurus A. Milne Edwards, 1880 (Crustacea: Decapoda: Paguridae), including descriptions of two new species / Rafael Lemaitre Washington, D.C. : Smithsonian Institution Press , 1995
73 no. 571 Monophyly and phylogenetic diagnosis of the family Cetopsidae, with synonymization of the Helogenidae (Teleostei:Siluriformes) / Mário C.C. de Pinna and Richard P. Vari Washington, D.C. : Smithsonian Institution Press , 1995
74 no. 572 Catalog of the type specimens of seastars (Echinodermata : Asteroidea) in the National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution / Cynthia Gust Ahearn Washington, D.C. : Smithsonian Institution Press , 1995
75 no. 575 . Studies of neotropical caddisflies ; 51 Studies of neotropical caddisflies, LI : systematics of the neotropical caddisfly genus Contulma (Trichoptera: Anomalopsychidae) / Ralph W. Holzenthal and Oliver S. Flint, Jr Washinton, D.C. : Smithsonian Institution Press , 1995
76 no. 577 The neotropical fish family Chilodontidae (Teleostei: Characiformes) : aciformes) : a phylogenetic study and a revision of Caenotropus Günther / Richard P. Varri, Ricardo M.C. Castro, and Sandra J. Raredon Washington, D.C. : Smithsonian Institution Press , 1995
77 no. 578 Ostracoda (Myodocopina) from shallow waters of the Northern Territory and Queensland, Australia / Louis S. Kornicker Washington, D.C. : Smithsonian Institution Press , 1996
78 no. 580 The troglobitic halocyprid ostracoda of anchialine caves in Cuba / Louis S. Kornicker and Jill Yager Washington, DC : Smithsonian Institution Press , 1996
79 no. 581 Revision of the sigalionid species (Polychaeta) referred to Psammolyce Kinberg, 1856, Pelogenia Schmarda, 1861, and belonging to the subfamily Pelogeniinae Chamberlin, 1919 / Marian H. Pettibone Washington, D.C. : Smithsonian Institution Press , 1997
80 no. 582 Revision and phylogeny of the Limacodid-group families, with evolutionary studies on slug caterpillars (Lepidoptera: Zygaenoidea) / Marc E. Epstein Washington, D.C. : Smithsonian Institution Press , 1996
81 no. 584 World catalog of the family Tethinidae (Diptera) / Wayne N. Mathis and Lorenzo Munari Washington, D.C. : Smithsonian Institution Press , 1996
82 no. 585 Type specimens of Hispinae (Coleoptera:Chrysomelidae) in the National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution / Charles L. Staines and Susan L. Staines Washington, D.C. : Smithsonian Institution Press , 1997
83 no. 586 Systematics and biogeography of cephalopods / Nancy A. Voss ... [et al.], editors v.1,v.2. - Washington, D.C : Smithsonian Institution Press , 1998
84 no. 588 Anchialine Ostracoda (Halocyprididae) from San Salvador, Bahamas / Louis S. Kornicker and Douglas J. Barr Washington, D.C. : Smithsonian Institution Press , 1997
85 no. 589 . Catalog of type specimens of recent fishes in the National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution ; 8 Suborder zoarcoidei : Anarhichadidae, Bathymasteridae, Pholidae, Ptilichthyidae, Scytalinidae, Stichaeidae, Zoarcidae / Victor G. Springer and M. Eric Anderson Washington, D.C. : Smithsonian Institution Press , 1997
86 no. 590 Weevil diversity and seasonality in tropical Panama as deduced from light-trap catches (Coleoptera: Curculionoidea) / Henk Wolda, Charles W. O'Brien, and Henry P. Stockwell Washington, DC : Smithsonian Institution Press , 1998
87 no. 592 Shore flies of the Belizean cays (Diptera: Ephydridae) / Wayne N. Mathis Washington, D.C. : Smithsonian Institution Press , 1997
88 no. 593 Myodocopid Ostracoda of Pillar Point Harbor, Half Moon Bay, California / Louis S. Kornicker and Elizabeth Harrison-Nelson Washington, D.C. : Smithsonian Institution Press , 1997
89 no. 595 Ostracoda (Myodocopina) of Tuléar Reef Complex, SW Madagascar / Louis S. Kornicker and Bernard A. Thomassin Washington, D.C. : Smithsonian Institution Press , 1998
90 no. 596 Thesaurus of sponge morphology / Nicole Boury-Esnault and Klaus Rützler, editors Washington, D.C. : Smithsonian Institution Press , 1997
91 no. 597 A world classification of the Harmacloninae, a new subfamily of Tineidae (Lepidoptera: Tineoidea) / Donald R. Davis Washington, D.C. : Smithsonian Institution Press , 1998
92 no. 598 A revision of Axinellidae (Porifera: Demospongiae) of the Central West Atlantic region / Belinda Alvarez, Rob W.M. van Soest, and Klaus Rützler Washington, D.C. : Smithsonian Institution Press , 1998
93 no. 601 Natural history of the sea fan blenny, Emblemariopsis pricei (Teleostei:Chaenopsidae), in the western Caribbean / James C. Tyler and Diane M. Tyler Washington, DC : Smithsonian Institution Press , 1999
94 602 . Eumeli expeditions. Part 1 Tetragonodon rex, new species, and general reproductive biology of Myodocopina / Louis S. Kornicker and Elizabeth Harrison-Nelson Washington, D.C. : Smithsonian Institution Press , 1998
95 no. 603 Biodiversity of the domatia occupants (ants, wasps, bees, and others) of the Sri Lankan myrmecophyte Humboldtia laurifola Vahl (Fabaceae) / Karl V. Krombein ... [et al.] Washington, DC : Smithsonian Institution Press , 1999
96 no. 605 Jimmorinia, a new genus of Myodocopid Ostracoda (Cypridinidae) from the Bahamas, Jamaica, Honduras, and Panama / Anne C. Cohen, Louis S. Kornicker, and Thomas M. Iliffe Washington, D.C. : Smithsonian Institution Press , 2000
97 no. 606 Myodocopid Ostracoda from Exuma Sound, Bahamas, and from marine caves and blue holes in the Bahamas, Bermuda, and Mexico / Louis S. Kornicker and Thomas M. Iliffe Washington, D.C. : Smithsonian Institution Press , 2000
98 no. 607 Zoogeography and systematics of the lanternfishes of the genus Nannobrachium (Myctophidae: Lampanyctini) / Bernard J. Zahuranec Washington, D.C. : Smithsonian Institution Press , 2000
99 no. 608 Arboreal beetles of neotropical forests : Agra Fabricius, the Novaurora complex (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Lebiini: Agrina) / Terry L. Erwin Washington : Smithsonian Institution Press , 2000
100 no. 609 Higher level phylogenetics of erigonine spiders (Araneae, Linyphiidae, Erigoninae) / Gustavo Hormiga Washington, D.C. : Smithsonian Institution Press , 2000
101 no. 611 . Lace bug genera of the world ; 2 Subfamily Tinginae : tribes Litadeini and Ypsotingini (Heteroptera:Tingidae) / Richard C. Foreschner Washington, D.C. : Smithsonian Institution Press , 2001
102 no. 612 Systematics of the North and Central American aquatic snail genus Tryonia (Rissooidea: Hydrobiidae) / Robert Hershler Washington, D.C. : Smithsonian Institution Press , 2001
103 no. 613 Phylogenetic study of the neotropical fish genera Creagrutus Günther and Piabina Reinhardt (Teleostei:Ostariophysi:Characiformes), with a revision of the cis-Andean species / Richard P. Vari and Antony S. Harold Washington, D.C. : Smithsonian Institution Press , 2001


NCID BA00415950