
Harper torchbooks

データ種別 図書
出版情報 New York ; London : Harper & Row
本文言語 und


1 Issues in science and religion / by Ian G. Barbour : pbk,pbk.. - New York : Harper & Row , 1971
2 TB-8 Meister Eckhart : a modern translation / by Raymond Bernard Blakney New York : Harper & Row , c1941
3 Winds of doctrine : and Platonism and the spiritual life / George Santayana New York : Harper , 1957
4 TB 20 . The Cloister library From religion to philosophy : a study in the origins of Western speculation / F.M. Cornford New York : Harper , 1957
5 . The Academy library The diary of Michael Wigglesworth, 1653-1657 : the conscience of a Puritan / edited by Edmund S. Morgan New York : Harper & Row , [1965]
6 TB22 The rise of Puritanism : or, The way to the New Jerusalem as set forth in pulpit and press from Thomas Cartwright to John Lilburne and John Milton, 1570-1643 / William Haller New York : Harper , 1957
7 TB30 The travail of religious liberty / Roland H. Bainton New York : Harper , 1958
8 TB 40-41 The civilization of the Renaissance in Italy / Jakob Burckhardt ; [translation by S.G.C. Middlemore] ; introduction by Benjamin Nelson and Charles Trinkaus v. 1,v. 2. - 1st Harper torchbook ed. - New York : Harper , 1958
9 TB49 The kingdom of God in America New York : Harper , [1959, c1937]
10 TB 51 Genesis and geology : a study in the relations of scientific thought, natural theology, and social opinion in Great Britain, 1790-1850 / Charles Coulston Gillispie New York : Harper & Row , 1959
11 TB58 Buddhism; its essence and development / by Edward Conze ; with a preface by Arthur Waley New York : Harper , 1959
12 TB62. The Cloister library Mohammed : the man and his faith / Tor Andræ ; translated by Theophil Menzel New York : Harper , 1960
13 The Cloister Library TB63 Confucius and the Chinese way / H.G. Creel New York : Harper , 1960, c1949
14 TB 64 . The Cloister library Martin Buber : the life of dialogue / by Maurice S. Friedman New York : Harper , 1960
15 TB73 . The Cloister library The prophetic faith / Martin Buber New York : Harper & Row , 1960
16 TB75 . Cloister library Two types of faith / Martin Buber ; tr. by Norman P. Goldhawk New York : Harper & Row , [1961]
17 TB79 . The Cloister library On Christianity : early theological writings / by Friedrich Hegel ; translated by T.M. Knox ; with an introduction and fragments translated by Richard Kroner New York : Harper , 1961
18 TB 113 Buddhist texts through the ages : translated from Pali, Sanskrit, Chinese, Tibetan, Japanese and Apabhramsa / edited by Edward Conze ; in collaboration with I.B. Horner, D. Snellgrove, A. Waley New York : Harper & Row , 1964
19 TB128. The cloister library A concise history of Israel : from the earliest times to the destruction of the Temple in A.D. 70 / by Ernst Ludwig Ehrlich ; translate by James Barr New York ; Evanston : Harper & Row , 1965
20 TB135 The knowledge of man : a philosophy of the interhuman / Martin Buber ; ed. with an introductory essay by Maurice Friedman ; translated by Maurice Friedman and Ronald Gregor Smith New York : Harper & Row , 1966
21 TB149 The idea of reform : its impact on Christian thought and action in the age of the Fathers / [by] Gerhart B. Ladner [Rev. ed.]. - New York : Harper & Row , [1967]
22 TB 308. The Cathedral library The Popes at Avignon, 1305-1378 / by G. Mollat ; [translated by Janet Love] New York : Harper , 1965
23 TB313F The spirit of Thomism / Étienne Gilson New York : Harper & Row , 1966, c1964
24 The English mystical tradition / by David Knowles New York : Harper & Row , 1965
25 TB 370 . The cathedral library The Russian religious mind : Kievan Christianity, the tenth to the thirteenth centuries / by George P. Fedotov New York : Harper & Row , 1960
26 TB384 The divine milieu : an essay on the interior life / Pierre Teilhard de Chardin [1st ed.]. - New York : Harper , 1965
27 386 The future of man / Pierre Teilhard de Chardin ; translated from the French by Norman Denny 1st Harper torchbook ed.. - New York : Harper & Row , 1969
28 science library ; TB506 Science since 1500 : a short history of mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology New York : Harper & Brothers , 1959
29 . The science library ; TB 515 Scientific explanation : a study of the function of theory, probability and law in science / Richard Bevan Braithwaite New York : Harper , 1960
30 TB 539, 540 A history of science, technology, and philosophy in the 18th century/ by A. Wolf v. 1,v. 2. - 2nd ed. rev. / by D. McKie. - New York : Harper, 1961
31 TB835 . The Temple Library The origin and meaning of Hasidism / Martin Buber ; edited and translated by Maurice Friedman New York : Harper & Row , 1966
32 Martin Buber : Jewish existentialist / by Malcolm L. Diamond New York : Harper & Row , 1968
33 TB837 . The Temple Library Moses : the revelation and the covenant / Martin Buber New York : Harper & Row , 1958
34 . The academy library ; TB/1009 The great chain of being : a study of the history of an idea / Arthur O. Lovejoy 1st Harper torchbook ed. - New York : Harper & Brothers , 1960, c1936
35 . The academy library ; TB1010 The Medici / Ferdinand Schevill 1st Harper torchbook ed. - New York : Harper , 1960, c1949
36 TB 1013 Social class in America : a manual of procedure for the measurement of social status / W. Lloyd Warner with Marchia Meeker and Kenneth Eells ; with a new essay, "Theory and method for the comparative study of social stratification" by W. Lloyd Warner Harper torchbook ed. - New York : Harper , 1960
37 . The Academy library ; TB 1037 The pursuit of the millennium : revolutionary messianism in medieval and Reformation Europe and its bearing on modern totalitarian movements / Norman Cohn 2nd ed., 1st Harper torchbook ed. - New York : Harper , 1961
38 TB 1040 Time of hope / C. P. Snow New York : Harper & Brothers , 1961
39 TB1046 . The academy library A history of exploration from the earliest times to the present day / Sir Percy Sykes ; introduction by John K. Wright New York : Harper , c1961
40 . The academy library ; 1047 The image of man : a study of the idea of human dignity in classical antiquity, the Middle Ages, and the Renaissance / by Herschel Baker New York : Harper & Row , 1961, c1947
41 The Academy library, TB1052M The Atlantic migration, 1607-1860 : a history of the continuing settlement of the United States / by Marcus Lee Hansen ; edited with a foreword by Arthur M. Schlesinger ; with an introduction to the Torchbook edition by Oscar Handlin New York : Harper & Row , 1961
42 TB 1058 Feudalism / F.L. Ganshof ; translated by Philip Grierson ; with a foreword by Sir F.M. Stenton 2nd English ed. - New York : Harper & Row , c1961
43 The Academy library, TB 1062 The age of absolutism, 1660-1815 / Max Beloff New York : Harper & Row , 1962
44 . The Academy library ; TB1072 I'll take my stand : the South and the agrarian tradition / by twelve southerners New York : Harper , 1962, c1930
45 TB 1073 Reconstruction, political & economic 1865-1877 / William Archibald Dunning New York : Harper & Row , 1962, c1935
46 . The academy library ; TB1076G Political thought in medieval times / John B. Morrall New York : Harper & Row , 1962
47 Buddha and the gospel of Buddhism / Ananda K. Coomaraswamy [Rev. ed.] / revised by Donã Luisa Coomaraswamy. - New York : Harper & Row , 1964
48 . The academy library ; TB1090-1091 Medieval and renaissance Florence / by Ferdinand Schevill v. 1,v. 2. - 1st Harper torchbook ed. - New York : Harper & Row , 1963
49 TB 1098 . The academy library Facets of the Renaissance : essays / by Wallace K. Ferguson ... [et al. ; edited by William H. Werkmeister ; foreword by Tracy E. Strevey] 1st Harper torchbook ed. - New York : Harper & Row , 1963
50 On the eve of the reformation : "Letters of obscure men" / Ulrich von Hutten, et al. ; translated by Francis Griffin Stokes ; new introduction by Hajo Holborn New York : Harper & Row , 1964
51 . The academy library ; TB 1110 Early democracies in the Low Countries : urban society and political conflict in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance / Henry Pirenne ; translated [from the French] by J.V. Saunders ; Introduction to the Torchbook edition by John H. Mundy New York : Harper & Row , 1963
52 TB1111 Renaissance princes, popes, and prelates : the Vespasiano memoirs, lives of illustrious men of the XVth century / Vaspasiano ; translated by William George and Emily Waters ; introduction to the Torchbook edition by Myron P. Gilmore New York : Harper & Row , 1963
53 . The Academy library ; TB 1113 Western civilization since the Renaissance : peace, war, industry and the arts / John U. Nef New York : Harper & Row , 1963
54 Conflict and defense : a general theory / Kenneth E. Boulding New York : Harper & Row , 1963
55 Canton under communism : programs and politics in a provincial capital, 1949-1968 / Ezra F. Vogel New York : Harper & Row , 1971
56 . The Academy library The development of modern France, 1870-1939 / D.W. Brogan v. 2 - v. 2. - Rev. ed.. - New York : Harper & Row , 1966
57 TB1142 The Carolingian Empire : the age of Charlemagne / by Heinrich Fichtenau ; translated by Peter Munz New York : Harper & Row , 1964
58 TB1143 The First Crusade and the foundation of the Kingdom of Jerusalem / by Steven Runciman New York : Harper & Row , 1964
59 TB 1149 ; The Academy library The New England merchants in the seventeenth century / Bernard Bailyn New York : Harper & Row , 1964
60 TB1156 The thought and character of William James / Ralph Barton Perry Briefer version. - New York : Harper , 1964, c1948
61 TB 1161 . The academy library The Italian Renaissance : a concise survey of its history and culture / J.H. Plumb New York : Harper & Row , 1965, c1961
62 . The Academy library ; TB 1162 Renaissance profiles / Garrett Mattingly ... [et al.] ; edited by J.H. Plumb New York : Harper & Row , 1965, c1961
63 . The Academy library ; TB1163 . Renaissance thought / by Paul Oskar Kristeller ; 2 Papers on humanism and the arts / by Paul Oskar Kristeller 1st Harper torchbook ed. - New York : Harper & Row , 1965
64 . The Academy library ; TB 1166 Christian humanism and the Reformation : selected writings, with The life of Erasmus by Beatus Rhenanus / Desiderius Erasmus ; edited by John C. Olin New York : Harper & Row , 1965
65 The Academy library ; TB1178 The Negro in Mississippi, 1865-1890 / by Vernon Lane Wharton New York : Harper & Row , 1965
66 The Academy Library . TB1192 The medieval centuries / by Denys Hay Harper Torchbook ed. - New York : harper & Row , 1965, c1964
67 TB1193 Machiavelli and the Renaissance / Federico Chabod ; translated from the Italian by David Moore ; with an introduction by A.P. d'Entrèves New York : Harper & Row , 1965, c1958
68 . The Academy library ; TB1194 The golden century of Spain, 1501-1621 / by R. Trevor Davies 1st Harper torchbook ed. - New York : Harper & Row , 1965
69 . The Academy library ; TB1201F The apologia of Robert Keayne : the last will and testament of me, Robert Keayne, all of it written with my own hands and began by me, mo: 6:1:1653, commonly called August; the self-portrait of a Puritan merchant / edited by Bernard Bailyn New York : Harper $ Row , 1965, c1964
70 . The Academy library ; TB1205K Medieval England : as viewed by contemporaries / compiled and edited by W.O. Hassall New York : Harper & Row, 1965
71 . The Academy library ; TB 1208J Studies in the philosophy of history : selected essays from History and theory / Carey B. Joynt ... [et al.] ; edited by George H. Nadel 1st Harper torchbook ed. - New York : Harper & Row , 1965
72 . The Academy Library ; TB 1213L Principium sapientiae : the origins of Greek philosophical thought / by F.M. Cornford ; edited by W. K. C. Guthrie New York : Harper & Row , 1965
73 The Academy library, TB 1227 The Puritan family : religion & domestic relations in seventeenth-century New England / Edmund S. Morgan : hbk,: pbk. - New ed., revised and enlarged. - New York : Harper Pernnial , c1966
74 TB 1229 Revivalism and social reform : American Protestantism on the eve of the Civil War / Timothy L. Smith New York : Harper & Row , 1965, c1957
75 The academy library. TB1240L, TB1241L Pivotal interpretations of American history / edited by Carl N. Degler v. 1,v. 2. - 1st. ed. - New York : Harper & Row , 1966
76 The Academy library, TB1255M-TB1256M The craft of American history : selected essays / edited by A. S. Eisenstadt v. 1,v. 2. - 1st ed. - New York : Harper & Row , 1966
77 . The Academy library ; TB1265 Byzantine east and Latin west : two worlds of Christendom in Middle Ages and Renaissance ; studies in ecclesiastical andcultural history / Deno John Geanakoplos New York : Harper , c1966
78 . The academy library ; TB 1267 The reformation crisis / ed. by Joel Hurstfield New York : Harper & Row , [1966]
79 TB1306 1914 : the coming of the First World War / edited by Walter Laqueur & George L. Mosse ; [by] Charles A. Fisher ... [et al.] New York : Harper & Row , 1966
80 TB 1321 The dynamics of modernization : a study in comparative history / C.E. Black 1st Harper Torchbook ed.. - New York : Harper & Row , 1967, c1966
81 TB1326 China and the West / Wolfgang Franke ; translated by R.A. Wilson New York : Harper & Row , c1967
82 TB1333 Two memoirs of Renaissance Florence : the diaries of Buonaccorso Pitti and Gregorio Dati / translated by Julia Martines ; edited by Gene Brucker 1st ed. - New York : Harper & Row , 1967
83 TB1334 Protestant churches and industrial America / Henry F. May ; with a new introduction by the author New York : Harper & Row , c1967
84 TB1339 Education and social structure in the twentieth century / edited by Walter Laqueur & George L. Mosse New York : Harper & Row , c1967
85 TB 1350 The roots of American economic growth, 1607-1861 : an essay in social causation / by Stuart Bruchey New York : Harper & Row , c1968
86 TB 1357 Reflections and reminiscences / edited with an introd. by Theodore S. Hamerow New York : Harper & Row , 1968
87 The University library Contemporary sociological theories through the first quarter of the twentieth century / Pitirim Sorokin New York : Harper & Row , 1964
88 TB 1340 Medieval culture and society / edited by David Herlihy New York : Harper & Row , 1968
89 TB 1369 Myth and reality / Mircea Eliade ; translated from the French by Willard R. Trask New York ; Evanston : Harper & Row , 1968
90 From classic to romantic : premises of taste in eighteenth-century England / Walter Jackson Bate New York : Harper & Row , 1961
91 TB1403 On Indian Mahayana Buddhism / D.T. Suzuki ; edited with an introduction by Edward Conze 1st ed. - New York : Harper & Row , 1968
92 TB 1416 The European witch-craze of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries : and other essays / [by] H.R. Trevor-Roper New York : Harper & Row , [1969]
93 TB 1421, TB 1557 The Prophets / by Abraham J. Heschel [pt. 1],pt. 2. - 1st Harper Torchbooks ed. - New York : Harper & Row , 1969-1971
94 TB 1433 The slave power: its character, career, and probable designs : being an attempt to explain the real issues involved in the American contest / by J. E. Cairnes , Introduction to the Torchbook edition by Harold D. Woodman New York : Harper & Row , 1969
95 TB 1456 The inquisition of the middle ages : its organization and operation / Henry Charles Lea ; with an historical introduction by Walter Ullmann New York : Harper & Row , 1969
96 TB 1461 Erasmus and his age : selected letters of Desiderius Erasmus / Edited by Hans J. Hillerbrand ; translated by Marcus A. Haworth New York : Harper & Row , c1970
97 TB1488 Revolutionary politics and the Cuban working class / by Maurice Zeitlin 1st Harper Torchbook ed.. - New York : Harper & Row , 1970
98 TB 1552 The forge and the crucible / Mircea Eliade ; translated from the French by Stephen Corrin New York ; Evanston : Harper & Row , 1971
99 TB 1670 American education : the colonial experience, 1607-1783 / Lawrence A. Cremin 1st ed. - New York : Harper & Row , 1970
100 TB 1682 Confucius--the secular as sacred / Herbert Fingarette : pbk. - New York : Harper & Row , 1972
101 TB 1711 . Crosscurrents in Latin America The aftermath of revolution in Latin America / Tulio Halperin-Donghi ; translated from the Spanish by Josephine de Bunsen pbk.. - New York : Harper & Row , [1973]
102 HR 1751 Beyond the classics? : Essays in the scientific study of religion / edited by Charles Y. Glock and Phillip E. Hammond, with contributions by Norman Birnbaum ..[et all] pbk.. - New York : Harper & Row , [1973]
103 TB 1778 Small is beautiful : economics as if people mattered / E.F. Schumacher pbk.. - New York : Harper & Row , c1973
104 The Middle East and the West / Bernard Lewis New York : Harper & Row , 1966
105 TB 1822 The ancien régime : French society 1600-1750 / Pierre Goubert ; translated by Steve Cox pbk.. - New York : Harper & Row , 1974
106 TB1940 Where the law ends : the social control of corporate behavior / Christopher D. Stone 1st ed. - New York : Harper & Row , c1975
107 TB 2005 . The Bollingen library ; 6 Myths and symbols in Indian art and civilization / edited by Joseph Campbell New York : Harper , 1962, c1946
108 TB 2090 Individualism & commitment in American life : readings on the themes of Habits of the heart / editors, Robert N. Bellah ... [et al.] : pbk. - New York : Harper & Row , 1988, c1987
109 . The university library ; TB 3013-3014 Literary opinion in America : essays illustrating the status, methods, and problems of criticism in the United States in the twentieth century / edited by Morton Dauwen Zabel v. 1,v. 2. - 3rd ed., rev. - New York : Harper & Row , 1962
110 TB 3022 The era of Theodore Roosevelt and the birth of modern America, 1900-1912 / by George Edwin Mowry New York : Harper & Row , 1962
111 3025 Franklin D. Roosevelt and the New Deal, 1932-1940 / by William E. Leuchtenburg New York : Harper & Row , c1963
112 TB 5018 An introduction to the philosophy of science / Rudolf Carnap ; edited by Martin Gardner New York : Basic Books , c1966
113 Phenomenology and the crisis of philosophy : philosophy as rigorous science and philosophy and the crisis of european man / Edmund Husserl ; translated with notes and an introduction by Quentin Lauer New York : Harper & Row , 1965
114 TB 5043 The interpretation of cultures : selected essays / by Clifford Geertz : pbk. - New York : Basic Books , c1973
115 TB 3063 A century of dishonor : the early crusade for Indian reform / Helen Hunt Jackson ; edited by Andrew F. Rolle New York : Harper & Row , 1965
116 . The Academy Library ; TB12480 Wolsey : church and state in sixteenth-century England / A. F. Pollard ; introduction to the torchbook edition by A. G. Dickens New York : Harper , c1966


別書名 異なりアクセスタイトル:Harper TB
異なりアクセスタイトル:Harper torchbook
一般注記 Publisher varies: Basic Books, Harper & Brothers
NCID BA00317011