
Cambridge texts in the history of political thought

データ種別 図書
出版情報 Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press
本文言語 und


1 The Prince / Machiavelli ; edited by Quentin Skinner and Russell Price : hbk,: pbk. - Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press , 1988
2 Political writings / Benjamin Constant ; translated and edited by Biancamaria Fontana : pbk. - Cambridge [Cambridgeshire] : Cambridge University Press , 1988
3 Two treatises of government / John Locke ; edited with an introduction and notes by Peter Laslett : pbk. - Student ed. - Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press , 1988
4 On liberty ; with The subjection of women ; and Chapters on socialism / John Stuart Mill ; edited by Stefan Collini :,: pbk. - Cambridge [England] ; New York : Cambridge University Press , 1989
5 Of the laws of ecclesiastical polity : preface, book I, book VIII / Richard Hooker ; edited by Arthur Stephen McGrade : pbk. - Cambridge [England] ; New York : Cambridge University Press , 1989
6 The spirit of the laws / Montesquieu ; translated and edited by Anne M. Cohler, Basia Carolyn Miller, Harold Samuel Stone : pbk. - Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press , 1989
7 Utopia / Thomas More ; edited by George M. Logan and Robert M. Adams : hbk,: pbk. - Cambridge [England] ; New York : Cambridge University Press , c1989
8 Political writings / Thomas Paine ; edited by Bruce Kuklick : pbk.. - Cambridge [England] ; New York : Cambridge University Press , 1989
9 Statism and anarchy / Michael Bakunin ; translated, and edited by Marshall S. Shatz :,: pbk. - Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press , 1990
10 Politics drawn from the very words of Holy Scripture / Jacques-Bénigne Bossuet ; translated and edited by Patrick Riley : pbk. - Cambridge, [England] : Cambridge University Press , 1990
11 On the duty of man and citizen according to natural law / Samuel Pufendorf ; edited by James Tully ; translated by Michael Silverthorne : hard,: pbk. - Cambridge [England] ; New York : Cambridge University Press , 1991
12 Political writings / Francisco de Vitoria ; edited by Anthony Pagden and Jeremy Lawrance : pbk. - Cambridge [Cambridgeshire] ; New York : Cambridge University Press , 1991
13 On sovereignty : four chapters from the six books of the commonwealth / Jean Bodin ; edited and translated by Julian H. Franklin :,: pbk. - Cambridge [England] ; New York : Cambridge University Press , 1992
14 Political writings / James Mill ; edited by Terence Ball : pbk. - Cambridge [England] ; New York : Cambridge University Press , c1992
15 The commonwealth of Oceana and A system of politics / James Harrington ; edited by J.G.A. Pocock : hard,: pbk. - Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press , 1992
16 Culture and anarchy and other writings / Matthew Arnold ; edited by Stefan Collini : pbk. - Cambridge ; New York, N.Y. : Cambridge University Press , 1993
17 Writings on the Empire : Defensor minor and De translatione Imperii / Marsiglio of Padua ; edited by Cary J. Nederman : pbk. - Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press , 1993
18 Political writings / Joseph Priestley ; edited by Peter Miller : hard,: pbk. - New York, N.Y. : Cambridge University Press , 1993
19 The preconditions of socialism / Eduard Bernstein ; edited and translated by Henry Tudor : hard,: pbk. - Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press , 1993
20 What is property? / Pierre-Joseph Proudhon ; edited and translated by Donald R. Kelley and Bonnie G. Smith : pbk. - Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press , 1993
21 Pre-prison writings / Antonio Gramsci ; edited by Richard Bellamy ; translated by Virginia Cox : hbk,: pbk. - Cambridge [UK] ; New York : Cambridge University Press , 1994
22 A holy commonwealth / Richard Baxter ; edited by William Lamont : hard,: pbk. - Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press , 1994
23 The book of the body politic / Christine de Pizan ; edited and translated by Kate Langdon Forhan : hbk,: pbk. - Cambridge, UK ; New York, N.Y., USA : Cambridge University Press , 1994
24 Telemachus, son of Ulysses / Francois de Fenelon ; edited and translated by Patrick Riley : hbk,: pbk. - Cambridge [England] ; New York : Cambridge University Press , 1994
25 Considerations on France / Joseph De Maistre ; translated and edited by Richard A. Lebrun ; introduction by Isaiah Berlin pbk.. - Cambridge ; New York, NY : Cambridge University Press , 1994
26 Political writings / King James VI and I ; edited by Johann P. Sommerville : hard,: pbk. - Cambridge [England] ; New York : Cambridge University Press , 1994
27 On crimes and punishments, and other writings / Beccaria ; edited by Richard Bellamy ; and translated by Richard Davies with Virginia Cox and Richard Bellamy : hard,: pbk. - Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press , 1995
28 Early Greek political thought from Homer to the sophists / translated and edited by Michael Gagarin, Paul Woodruff : pbk. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1995
29 A letter to the Friars Minor, and other writings / William of Ockham ; edited by Arthur Stephen McGrade and John Kilcullen ; translated by John Kilcullen : pbk. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1995
30 Leviathan / Thomas Hobbes ; edited by Richard Tuck : hbk,: pbk. - Rev. student ed. - Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press , 1996
31 Aristotle : the Politics and the Constitution of Athens / Aristotle ; edited by Stephen Everson pbk.. - New York : Cambridge University Press , c1996
32 The education of a Christian prince / Erasmus ; translated by Neil M. Cheshire and Michael J. Heath ; with the Panegyric for Archduke Philip of Austria, translated by Lisa Jardine ; edited by Lisa Jardine : hbk,: pbk. - Cambridge, U.K. : Cambridge University Press , 1997
33 The history of the reign of King Henry VII and selected works / Francis Bacon ; edited by Brian Vickers : pbk. - Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press , 1998
34 On the commonwealth and on the laws / Cicero ; edited by James E.G. Zetzel : hard,: pbk. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1999
35 Political writings / Thomas Jefferson ; edited by Joyce Appleby and Terence Ball : hb,: pbk. - Cambrige : Cambridge University Pres , 1999
36 On the citizen / Thomas Hobbes ; edited and translated by Richard Tuck, Michael Silverthorne : pbk. - Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press , 1998
37 Reflections on violence / Georges Sorel ; edited by Jeremy Jennings : hard,: pbk. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1999
38 Political writings / Thomas Paine ; edited by Bruce Kuklick : hard,: pbk. - Rev. student ed. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , c2000
39 The English Levellers / edited by Andrew Sharp : hbk,: pbk. - New York : Cambridge University Press , 1998
40 The city of God against the pagans / Augustine ; edited and translated by R.W. Dyson : hardbound,: pbk. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1998
41 Political writings / G.W.F. Hegel ; edited by Laurence Dickey and H.B. Nisbet ; translated by H.B. Nisbet : pbk. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1999
42 Early political writings / [by] Auguste Comte ; edited and translated by H.S. Jones : hbk,: pbk. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1998
43 Political writings / Bayle ; edited by Sally L. Jenkinson : hard,: pbk. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 2000
44 The English constitution / Bagehot ; edited by Paul Smith : pbk. - Cambridge. UK : Cambridge University Press , 2001
45 Policraticus of the frivolities of courtiers and the footprints of philosophers / John of Salisbury ; edited and translated by Cary J. Nederman : hbk,: pbk. - Cambridge [England] ; New York : Cambridge University Press , 1990
46 On the laws and governance of England / Sir John Fortescue ; edited by Shelley Lockwood : hbk,: pbk. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1997
47 A short discourse on the tyrannical government : over things divine and human, but especially over the empire and those subject to the empire, usurped by some who are called highest pontiffs / William of Ockham ; edited by Arthur Stephen McGrade ; translated by John Kilcullen : hbk,: pbk. - Cambridge, England ; New York : Cambridge University Press , 1992
48 The Catholic concordance / Nicholas of Cusa ; edited and translated by Paul E. Sigmund : hard. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1991
49 Conciliarism and papalism / edited by J.H. Burns and Thomas M. Izbicki : hbk,: pbk. - Cambridge, U.K. : Cambridge University Press , 1997
50 Augustine : political writings / Augustine ; edited by E.M. Atkins and R.J. Dodaro : hbk,: pbk. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 2001
51 Dialogue on the government of Florence / Guicciardini ; edited and translated by Alison Brown : hbk,: pbk. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1994
52 Political writings / St. Thomas Aquinas ; edited and translated by R.W. Dyson : pbk. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 2002
53 Politics drawn from the very words of Holy Scripture / Jacques-Bénigne Bossuet ; translated and edited by Patrick Riley : pbk. - Cambridge, [England] : Cambridge University Press , 1999, c1990
54 Later political writings / Marx ; edited and translated by Terrell Carver : hc,: pbk. - Cambridge [England] ; New York : Cambridge University Press , 1996
55 Court maxims / Sidney ; edited and introduced by Hans W. Blom, Eco Haitsma Mulier, Ronald Janse : hbk,: pbk. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1996
56 Political writings / Thoreau ; edited by Nancy L. Rosenblum : hbk,: pbk. - Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press , 1996
57 Political writings / Astell ; edited by Patricia Springborg : hbk,: pbk. - New York : Cambridge University Press , 1996
58 Monarchy / Dante ; translated and edited by Prue Shaw : hbk,: pbk. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1996
59 State, trust and corporation / F.W. Maitland ; edited by David Runciman and Magnus Ryan : hbk,: pbk. - Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press , c2003
60 The first new science / Vico ; edited and translated by Leon Pompa : pbk. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 2002
61 The defender of the peace / Marsilius of Padua ; edited and translated by Annabel Brett : hbk,: pbk. - Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press , 2005
62 An essay on the history of civil society / Adam Ferguson ; edited by Fania Oz-Salzberger : hard,: pbk. - New York, N.Y. : Cambridge University Press , 1995
63 Patriarcha, and other writings / Sir Robert Filmer ; edited by Johann P. Sommerville : hbk,: pbk. - Cambridge, UK ; New York : Cambridge University Press , 1991
64 Political writings / Bolingbroke ; edited by David Armitage : hbk,: pbk. - New York : Cambridge University Press , 1997
65 Abraham Lincoln : political writings and speeches / edited by Terence Ball : hardback,: pbk. - Cambridge, U.K. ; New York : Cambridge University Press , 2013
66 Political writings / Condorcet ; edited by Steven Lukes, Nadia Urbinati : hardback,: pbk. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 2012
67 The war of the Peloponnesians and the Athenians / Thucydides ; edited and translated by Jeremy Mynott : hardback,: pbk. - Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press , 2013
68 Revolutionary writings : reflections on the revolution in France and the first letter on a regicide peace / Edmund Burke ; edited by Iain Hampsher-Monk : hardback,: paperback. - New York : Cambridge University Press , 2014
69 Political writings / Leibniz ; translated and edited with an introduction and notes by Patrick Riley : hard,: pbk. - 2nd ed. - Cambridge [Cambridgeshire] ; New York : Cambridge University Press , 1988
70 Elements of the philosophy of right / G.W.F. Hegel ; edited by Allen W. Wood ; translated by H.B. Nisbet : hbk,: pbk. - Cambridge, UK ; New York : Cambridge University Press , 1991
71 Governing the realm and bringing peace to all below heaven / Kumazawa Banzan ; edited and translated by John A. Tucker : hardback. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 2021


NCID BA04916244